Chapter 17

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The next Tuesday was Christopher's trial. Ponyboy had to testify about his experiences with Christopher. I went to testify over everything he's done that I knew of. And on top of that, all of his friends had to testify against him as well.

He was proven guilty of beating up minors , for attempted murder, and for damaging personal property (that was a while ago, he slashed tires off of some cars before). He was sentenced 15 years for beating up minors, another 25 years for attempted murder, and 1 year for property damage.

I started seeing a counselor to talk about my childhood with Christopher, and well, really,  my childhood in general. I moved back in with Dad but would hang out with the gang on weekends. Plus, even though it was summer, I still had a part time job so I still got to see Ponyboy at the library. Life was starting to turn around for me. After the whole Christopher thing, the Socs and Greasers became allies. No more rumbles, beatings, seeing who's the best, etc.

One day, I was with Ponyboy watching a sunset on his back porch. We were holding hands and I was leaning on his shoulder. He kept giving me small kisses on the hand and top of head. It was really adorable.

"Hey, Liz?" he asked.

"Mm-hmm," I respond.

"Will you promise me something?"


He shifted and pulled something out of his pocket--a promise ring. "Do you promise that no matter what, you will always love me? Even if we break up? That I'll always have a place in your heart?"

"Of course, Ponyboy! Only if you promise the same thing."

"Deal," he put the promise ring on my finger.

"I love you," I said.

He leaned in and kissed me, and I kissed back. He kissed softly but not too soft. It was perfect, "I love you, too," he said.

We stayed outside until the sunset turned gold.

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