Episode six

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We rushed him to the hospital, he was still breathing but his skin was scaling off. We dropped him on a stretcher and pushed him to the surgery room. Neko was in tears, she cried and pouted so much that she didn't want to see him. I just stood there in shock thinking that my best friend is going to die. Leo was comforting Neko but he was also devastated. The three of us go wait in the reception area.

Neko: Megumi you got to do something, use your powers. ANYTHING!
Megumi: I-don't know what to do Neko.
(Neko stand up in tears walking closer to Megumi and once she reached her she started shaking her)
Neko: MEGUMI PLEASE, I CAN'T LOSE HIM TOO. I've known him for so long. How aren't you sad Megumi. TELL ME!
(Megumi breaks into tears)
Megumi: Neko....I don't know what to do. I barely know who I am how am I suppose to figure this out.
(Neko becomes mad, she lets go of Megumi and steps to the side)
Neko: Bye Megumi.

Neko conjures a light portal and steps in it. She was gone. Neko loved Hugo like a bother and seeing him in that condition pushed her emotions too far.

Megumi: What am I going to do know Leo? I probably lost two of my closest friends.
Leo: .....

The nurse walks in.

Nurse: Hugo requested to see Megumi.
Megumi: THAT'S ME!
Nurse: Okay dear please follow me.
Leo: tell me he's okay Megumi.
Megumi: I will.

We walked through the hallways until we finally reached Hugo's room. He was alright, nothing bad happened to him. I run up to him and hugged him so tight not letting go for a couple of minutes.

Megumi: you scared us so bad.
Hugo: I'm fine, my stone healed me. Can you call Neko in I bet she's worried like really worried.
Megumi: Hugo, Neko ran away. She got mad at me and walked through a light portal.
Hugo: I can find her because she's using the same energy source my kingdom runs on. Let's get out of here and find her.

Megumi nods her head and they walk to the reception area where they're greeted with Leo.

Leo: OMG Hugo you're alright!
Hugo: of course I am bro, I'm not going to leave you like that.
Leo: what happened to you?
Megumi: oh yeah what happened?

There was a slight silence that filled the room.

Hugo:let's talk about it back at Angelica. I don't want anyone eavesdropping into our conversation.

Leo:okay let's go.

Megumi nodded. Hugo conjured up a light portal and we stepped in.

Back at the Kingdom there were medics everywhere helping the injured guards that fought Joanna. We head back into the secured room and sat down.

Hugo: Joanna, she's something different. She's not the witch we think she is.
Megumi: what do you mean? She's obviously a god damn witch, do you see what she did?
Hugo: she's a witch yes, but she's half dragon.
Leo: half dragon? I thought there were only two dragons in the world. Megumi and Misha.
Hugo: see that's where you're wrong. Joanna is related to Megumi.
Megumi: how do you know this exactly?
Hugo: I researched, I went to her cell at night to talk with her so that she'll give us information. She told me she was a dragon and that she hated her father. She cried for hours after.
Megumi: that doesn't tell us why you were injured.
Hugo: I made a deal with her. She said if I let her go she'd go kill her father for us.
Leo: do you actually believe her?
Megumi: she tried to kill me, and isn't she dead?
Hugo: deals cannot be broken between us magicals. Yes I know you cut open her stomach but the deal saved her. She's now going to kill her father.
Megumi: what if she doesn't do it?
Leo: she dies, that's how deals works Megumi. If you don't do them you pay the prices.
Hugo: we can trust her Megumi, don't worry.

What is there to worry about?

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