Episode four

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( 1st person, past tense Megumi)

The portal was very smooth and relaxing, it didn't take us that much time to reach Hugo's home town, Angelica, the city of angels. I knew Hugo was some sort of powerful, I never knew he was an angel. I thought it found a magical stone or was given it because they were worthy just like Neko.

The portal reopened and we stepped out. The skies were filled with stars, it was beautiful. Hugo came and greeted us. "I sensed your presence when you guys were travelling" he said. "Come, follow me. We have lots to discuss." Hugo lead us to a room secured with a volt door and five guards. Inside were three chairs and a round glass table. He tells us to take a seat so we do and we begin discussing things.

Hugo: Guy, there is a great darkness coming to my kingdom. The daughter of Tanshirak.
Megumi: Joanna.
Neko: Yes of course she would come, she's looking for Megumi. After that war they found the dragon princess.
Megumi: Dragon princess?! No-one tells me anything.
Neko: Sorry, I didn't want you to know because of this problem.
Hugo: Being this strong means those wizards and witches crave your power, they want it for themselves.
Megumi: I didn't come here to talk about MY life, it's about my mom.
Hugo: Misha? What did she do?
Megumi: Nothing, we have a feeling she's been brainwashed by Tanshirak.
Hugo: Of course she has, she has the same blood as you meaning she has dragon blood.
Neko: How are we going to prevent Meg's power from being stolen and help Misha get out of this mess? It's basically impossible.
Megumi: I will face Joanna myself, I know I've never met her but if she is as foolish as her father believe me, she's an easy target. Anyone that messes with my family dies even if they don't want to; they can beg all they want but I would not spare them.
Hugo: I will set up full defence and get my guards to help you, I'll inform my father now.
( the volt door opens)
Megumi: Who's that?
Taylor: Don't forget about me guys!
Neko: TAYLOR!!! ( she runs over and hugs her ) I thought you were dead? Why didn't you tell me you were alive?
Taylor: (( holds a nature stone)) I has business to take care of back in the realm of Muedain. They had a problem with the witches so I fought them; I thought I died until I woke up here.
Hugo: My guards found her and thought it was Neko so they took her in, we trained her so now she's capable to face anything without losing a limb.
Taylor: As you can see I now only have one ear, those nasty witches cut it off. I nearly bled to death.
Megumi: Well since you're here. Wanna help me fight Joanna?
Taylor: It will be my pleasure.
Hugo: Then it's settled, three strong women ready to fight against evil. The dream team (laughs)
Megumi: You don't think we can do it can you?...Well I know we can and all of us combined can definitely wipe out your whole Kingdom so don't underestimate us. Got it?
Hugo: (blushes) Yes ma'am. Well be safe.
Taylor: Lead us to victory dragon princess.
Megumi: will do.

(present tense, Megumi)

We all hug and leave the secured room. I take off my latex gloves that are in bad condition and throw them in the bin. This is the real deal; all the answers are going to be told after we kidnap this girl. We hear an evil laugh and right in front of us is Joanna. Her aroma is a black smokey color and her eyes are drained and refilled with the sight of the abyss; her tongue is like a snakes', long and pointy just like her dad. She is holding a scythe that's covered in fresh blood.

Joanna: You don't know how much trouble I went through just to get to you my dear Princess. (laughs menacingly) And now that I'm here there's no way of escaping; just hand yourself over now and I'll might spare you.
Megumi: Like I would ever.
Joanna: So be it, I'll count to three and when the time is up. You'll be dead ....ONE!.....TWO!.....THREE!!....TIMES UP!

Joanna swings her scythe at me, I froze, when it was about to hit me a sword blocks it. The impact of the two weapons cause a cluster of large winds that blew all of us back except for that swordsman.

Leo: Are you okay my princess?

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