We're Here For You

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Mikey woke up with a yawn. He's been sleeping a lot better now since he's told his brothers what he's been feeling.

"Hmmm, maybe I'll go see what Donnie's doing!" He decided with a smile as he walked to the lab.

He'd been allowed to sleep in his own bed since his ribs are better...well, not all better but he's still ok.

He went into Donnie's lab, forgetting to knock. Donnie was holding a glass tube. "Hey D!" He said loudly. Donnie jumped and dropped it.

"Mikey!" He shouted. "You scared the shell out of me, get out!" Mikey's smile dissapeared and he flinched.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll just...go." He turned and ran out of the lab and ran to his room with tears pouring down his chubby cheeks.

Donnie sighed as he cleaned up the broken glass and green liquid, feeling guilty. "I shouldn't have yelled at him."

Mikey sat on his bed feeling horrible. "I screwed up again...my voice made Donnie mad...why did I even start talking again?"

He sighed and though about possibly not talking today to make Donnie happy again. He would be fine.

When it was time for breakfast, Mikey didn't even come out of his room because he was scared Donnie would Still be mad at him.

I'll just stay here today...I'm annoying

All of a sudden, he heard a knock at his door and hesitated to open it. Leo was standing there with Raph.

"Mikey, are you ok?" Raph asked softly. Mikey bit his lip and nodded. He couldn't say anything, he'd annoy them.

"Are you sure?" Leo asked with uncertainty. "You know you can talk to us if something's bothering you."

Mikey smiled and gave a thumbs up, making Leo's heart sink. Uh oh. Not this again! What happened???

Leo sighed and closed the door. What was wrong? He was doing so well but now he was back to not talking.

"Raph, Don?" He called. They immediately came running. "What's going on?" Donnie asked.

"Um, did any of you guys say something to Mikey?" Leo asked. "He's not talking... he's acting different."

Donnie paled as he recalled what happened earlier. "I...I yelled at him earlier, it's my fault." He admitted.

Leo gave him a dissaproving look. "What happened?" He finally asked. Donnie gulped, recalling the incident.

"He came into my lab with no warning and scared the shell out of me and made me dropped a beaker full of chemicals."

Leo nodded. "What did you say to him?" He asked calmly. Donnie sighed. "I yelled at him to get out and he apologized and left."

"I guess that wasn't that bad, but you should apologize, he's really upset, he didn't say a word." Leo ordered.

"I'll go talk to him right now." Donnie promised as he headed to Mikey's room where he knocked at the door.

"Mikey?" He called softly. "Mikey, can I talk to you for a second? Please...I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier."

No answer. Mikey opened the door wordlessly, looking both upset and scared. Donnie's heart shattered.

Mikey sniffled and bit his lip. I can't talk...I'll annoy him again and he'll yell at me just like before!

"Please talk to me otouto, I'm really sorry, I never meant to upset you, was just surprised is all, please..." He begged.

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