They'll Enjoy the Silence...Right?

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Leo walked into the lair to check on Mikey. They were just getting back from patrol.

Leo knocked on the closed door and waited for Mikey to answer. Behind the door, Mikey jumped in fright, felt a pain in his ribs and winced.

He opened the door and Leo walked in, looking worried. He was knew Mikey anyways locked himself in his room after a fight.

"Mikey, please don't be upset, Raph didn't mean what he said, you know how he is with his temper." He said.

Mikey nodded and smiled. He was ok, wasn't he? He rubbed his side absently, not realizing Leo saw.

"Are you ok? did you get hurt during the fight?" Leo asked in concern when he saw Mikey rub his side.

Mikey frantically shook his head. He knew he should have told Leo the minute the pain hit, but he was not going to talk.

His brothers would enjoy the silence.

"Ok, well if you're still upset and want to talk to one of us you can, and don't listen to Raph, he didn't mean it."

Mikey nodded quietly and waved. Leo looked at him oddly and left, shutting the door behind him.

Leo shrugged and went to the living room where Donnie was drinking coffee to restore his energy.

"Well, talked to Mikey." Leo said quietly. "What'd he say? is he ok?" Donnie replied.

"That's just it, he didn't say anything, he just smiled and waved at me." Leo said.

"He....didn't look upset?" Donnie asked. "Not really, I saw him rubbing his side and I asked if he got hurt but he shook his head."

"Huh, well I guess he's fine, but if he rubs his side again or looks like he's in pain, I'll check him out."

"Yeah, ok." Leo agreed. He looked at the clock and saw that it was pretty late. Raph and Splinter were already asleep.

So, Leo went to bed and Donnie went to his lab. He normally stayed up late anyway doing experiments or other stuff.

Mikey was sitting on his bed, a smile on his face. He was going to make his brothers proud.

He was going to make them happy....

In the morning, Mikey woke up earlier than usual to make his brothers and himself breakfast, as he was the only turtle who could cook.

He made a big meal of bacon, sausage, omlets, tons of fruit and orange juice, and a big cup of coffee for Donnie.

He smiled as he looked at the food on the table. He wanted to please his brothers and make them smile.

Maybe they'll even like how quiet it is.

Raph soon awoke to the smell of food and was shocked to see all that food. Wow. Leo and Donnie came minutes later.

"Woah, did you make a this Mikey?" Donnie asked. Mikey grinned and handed him the coffee.

"This is incredible, good job little brother." Leo praised with a warm smile, making Mikey grin.

Everyone enjoyed the food. Even master Splinter had come down and ate a good amount.

"What's the special occasion, my son?" Splinter asked. Mikey simply shrugged and ate.

Even Raph ate a lot of the food. "It's pretty good, but didn't have ta be fancy, you coulda made eggs or somethin'."

After breakfast, it was time for meditation, and Mikey was going to be as quiet as a mouse.

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