Blood is Thicker

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It's been an hour. An hour since the older turtles discovered the severe injuries to Mikey's ribs.

Donnie knew it was bad. He saw the blood. That wasn't normal...he knew Mikey needed treatment. Fast.

He did his research and knew what he had to do. It wouldn't be an easy surgery, but he could do it. He had to do it.

"How is he Don?" Raph asked, still gripping Mikey's warm hand in his own. He looked so fragile.

"Well...he definitely has broken ribs...I did an X-ray on his chest and saw one of the broken ribs punctured his right lung.

Everyone's eyes widened." What?! How could it be that bad?! Is he gonna be ok?!" Leo begged mercifully.

Donnie sighed. "Well....he'll need immediate surgery to repair his ribs and metal plates will need to be inserted into his plasteron. "

Everyone nodded. Donnie turned to the unconscious Mikey and rewrapped his injury in special bandages to support his ribs.

"He's still bleeding internally, he may need a blood transfusion, depending on how much he lost." Donnie said.

Raph immediately stood up. "I'll do it, take my blood and give it to Mikey, he deserves's my fault he's hurt."

"That's very brave of you, my son...Donatello, is Raphael a match for Michelangelo?" Splinter asked.

Leo turned his head in confusion. "Shouldn't we all have the same blood type since we're brothers? B+?" He commented.

Donnie nodded. "Yes, but I just need to be sure...ultimately we all should be a match."

A minute later, Raph was sitting in a chair while Donnie rubbed aneseptic on his right arm near the vein.

"Ok Raph, you're just going to feel a slight pinch...let me know if you start to get dizzy." Donnie instructed.

Raph nodded confidently and Donnie injected the needle into the red-masked turtle's skin. Raph watched queasily as blood slowly came through the tube.

After a moment, Donnie was done and quickly placed a cotton ball and a bandage on Raph's arm.

"Ugh, starting to feel lightheaded." Raph mumbled, rubbing his head. He was grateful to be sitting down.

"Here, eat and drink this, it'll help." Leo offered, handing Raph a piece of chocolate and a glass of orange juice.

" Mikey going to be ok? When are you going to do the surgery?" Raph asked.

"Now...before I start, I um kinda need to guys to leave until I finish, I'll work better alone." Donnie said gently.

Leo, April and Raph nodded. "You can do it bro, we believe in you." Leo said encouragingly as he stepped out of the lab.

"I'll be right outside if you need me, Donnie." April promised. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

Raph looked at Donnie before walking out. "Save our otouto, please..." He whispered.

Donnie smiled before turning to Splinter. "Father, would you stay? I could really use your guidance for this."

Splinter nodded helpfully. "Of course my son, what do we need to do first?" He asked.

"Give him anesthesia and make sure everything's hooked up right...I hooked up the IV already so he won't lose too much blood."

Splinter nodded as Donnie gently injected the needle into Mikey's side and chest, right above the plastron.

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