Baby Cullens capt3

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Twilight belongs 2 Stephanie Meyer, I'm just making a fanfic because I'm a big fan! and the song  "boom boom boom" was written by venga boys.  And "girls just wana have fun" .......sorry 4 got who wrote it but thanks 4 writing it, it's so true anyway hope you guys enjoy!

Bella pov

"Girls weekend what do we do now........?"

"SHOPING!!!!!!!" everyone but me yelled, I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my purse.

"lets listen to some tones!" Rosalie said and turned up the music to 100 an hit play.

"Boom boom boom I want you in my room we spent the night together now were friends forever............"

Emmett pov

"I want you in my room I want to go ka boom!"

"EMMETT SHUT UP!" the guys yelled at me. I started humming.

"Guess you guys haven't heard of classics"

"Ah what the hell, boom boom boom, this is what I want to do!" Edward joined in,

-Ha ha you do know the words- he rolled his eyes.

"We have to stop for gas" Carlisle announced as we drove into a shell gas station.

"What else is on?" jasper asked and flipped to girls just wana have fun.

"I come home in morning......."

"Oh god!"

"What is it Eddie?" he swallowed and nodded to three guys, with smiles on there faces one winked at me, Carlisle got in the car.

"DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!" we shouted causing him to go 230hp.

"WHAT THE.......what was that for?"

"We were about to be picked up by some guys!" he started laughing.

"I wouldn't if I were you, they thought you had a nice ass" Edward said.

lol ill try 2 update as fast as I can thanks for reading become a fan if you aren't 1 yet, add 2 library, and anything else you can do on here. PS PLZZZZZ COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS!

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