Chapter 10

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--five weeks later--
You wake up rolling over with the worst pain you've felt ever. Corey's slumped over the other side of the bed for once. You sit up and moan in pain "ouch, ouch, ouch" You repeat getting up, not able to get up. "Has my period came early?" You question. You get up and fall into the floor. You get up and walk to the bathroom and instantly start puking.

You here Corey stomps behind you. "Are you okay baby" He says rubbing his eyes, in his boxers. You puke and he pulls your hair back. Rubbing your back. "Babe, you need to go to the hospital? I could take you" You nod. "You done" He ask. You nod again washing off your face and brushing your teeth. You get up and Corey puts your hands around his shoulder. "I'm not dying" You reply unwrapping your arms, being able to walk on your own. He grabs his keys "sorry" He says. You groan in pain. You walk slow. "Here" He picks you up "I'm not a child" You groan in his shoulder. "I know, just don't want you falling and walking in pain" You wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle in his shoulder as he carrys you to the car. He puts you in the passenger seat and he goes the drivers seat and drives to the hospital.

You get there and get everything registered and wait in the lobby.
"Y/n -- y/l/n and Mr taylor? " She calls out. Corey raises his hand and nods, helping you up. You smile at her. You get into the room. "So ms y/n" She types up on her computer. "Last time you had your period? " She ask. You think hard. "Last month" "Alright" "Sexually active? " She ask. You look Corey then look down. "Yeah" You smirk. "How would you rate the pain 1-10?" "10!" You jump up a sharp pain in your chest grew.

Corey grabs your hand and rubs your back. The doctor smirks and hands you a pregnancy stick. "Go do this and come back with the results" She tells you. You grab it and get up to go to the bathroom.  You shut the bathroom door and stare into the mirror taking a deep breath. You do the test and stare at it. It had two lines. Does that mean your pregnant? You put it in the bag she gave you and walk out. Corey's leaning on the wall across the bathroom. You come out and give him a smirk. "What did it say? " He says kissing your cheek. "I don't know" He looks at the bag In your hands. "What does-- two lines mean? " He ask raising a eyebrow. "Ion know" You shrug and make your way back to the room. The doctor smirk and puts her hand out for the test. You hand it to her taking a seat. She smiles. She types something up on he computer. "Congratulations y/n and Mr Taylor, you two are gonna be parents! Let me go get your meds" She leaves the room and Corey stares at you with the biggest smile.

"Oh my god" He squeals. "I'm going t-to be a father! " He says pulling you in for a tight hug. "Easy" You say. "Oh right, sorry" He rubs your stomach and kisses you. The doctor eventually comes in with the meds and released you.

You two get to Corey's house and Corey is as happy as ever. You two get inside. "I'm gonna be a fucking father! " He shouts he gets in front of you, he kisses you then your stomach. "Oh my god" He says. "Corey-- calm down" You laugh. He gets back up to his feet and kisses you on the cheek.

"Let's go watch a movie" He smirks and leads you upstairs.

--6 months later--

You look at yourself in the mirror. The baby bump was huge and the black dress you wore barely looked like a dress. It was short due to the baby belly, but you had tights under. Corey comes from behind and kiss your  neck then leans in front of you and kisses your baby bump. "Time to find out what you are!" He shouts in a Royal voice.

You giggle "you made the baby sound like an unknown species" You say walking towards him to kiss him. "Pft" He says smirking. You two walk out to the car to see them scan to see which gender it was. On the way there Corey's being a little child listening to kids bop. "Why the hell are you listening to that? " You ask laughing. "The baby needs to dance too" He says. You shake your head smiling.

"Lay back, ms y/n" The doctor smirks. You lay back as she does an ultrasound. She puts the gel on your stomach and it was cold as shit. You jump at the touch of the cold gel. Corey laughs and grabs your hand and kisses it, remaining it in your hand. You look at him and smile.

"So here's the baby, it looks pretty heathy and the results came in good" She smirks. Tears fall down your cheek. Corey starts to sniff up tears. You look at him, and giggle putting you head on his arm. "Mr taylor and ms y/l/n....its a girl" Corey jumps "Woohoo! Hell yeah! " He shouts. "Shut up Corey" You say laughing. "Oh- sorry" He looks at the baby on the screen, as well as you. "Look it's our baby girl" He starts to tear up even more. You smile and kiss him. "It should be due in 3 months and about 3 weeks so-- November 21" She grins.

"Here's the pictures, let me just get you cleaned up and ready to get home" The doctor says cleaning off the gel.

You get home and feel terrible. You sat on the first step of the stair case trying not to puke. "You okay baby? " Corey says sitting beside you. "No" You reply tears running down your face. "What happened? " He pulls you into a hug. "What if I'm not a good mom?" You say crying more "you will be a perfect mom" "No. I won't" You chest feels heavy.

Corey kisses your cheek. "Baby" He whispers. "You will be a perfect mom" You hear hurt in his voice. You get up and rush to the bathroom, puking. Corey follows up and gives you your nausea pills with a water bottle. "It's okay y/n" He assured.

"Hey babe" Corey says tapping you gently for you to wake up. "You alright? " You groan and roll over. "Yeah, why? " You ask. "Since, I haven't told the boys you were pregnant can we tell them now?" He ask "why?" "Because they're my best friends" He says smirking. You sit up. You were 8 months pregnant. You Struggle to get up, while Corey helps you. You haven't seen the boys ever since you found out you were pregnant, Corey wanted peace for you and the baby. He grabs your hand and kissing you. You smile as he leads you down the stairs.

"I think it's better if you tell them" He says smirking. You carefully walk down the stairs, Corey behind you. Sid's eyes widen as you get down the stairs into the living room "what the hell? " He says smiling. "Corey, man when we're you suppose to tell us? " He ask.

The rest of the guys look at you and smile. "Oh my fucking god y/n" Shawn comes over and chuckles. "Your pregnant? " He ask. "No, I'm just fat" You say sarcastically. "Sorry" The boys rush over looking at your stomach. "Alright she's not some damn alien. Let her have a seat" Corey says grabbing your shoulders leading you to the sofa. You groan as you sit down. "When are you due?" Mike asks. "In a month" You respond rubbing your stomach. Corey Neil's over you kissing you then putting his head on your stomach. You smile.

"Woah, is it a boy or girl" Chris asks. "Girl" You reply running you fingers through Corey's hair. "Woah" Chris says again. "What the fuck" Corey jumps, laughing. "Our daughter just abused my ear" He chuckles "what? " "She kicked my ear! " He says. You laugh and feel her moving. "What are you two gonna name it? " Joey asks. "Uh." Corey looks at you. "We still have to think of one" You respond laying back. "Are you hungry?" Corey asks you "no" You reply. "C'mon you haven't eaten the past two days, is this a suicide mission? " He chuckles. "I'mma go get yo- well you two something to eat. As well as your guys" Corey smirks, kissing you and kissing your stomach. "Bye my two beautiful baby's"

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