chapter 9

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I get dressed and sprinted down stairs and he had been the best part of my life cause he made my break fest and he was the one that knew me. and handed me a plate of pancakes and I gobbled it up he asked how is it i said horrible in a sarcastic way he came over and took the pancakes and i said what are you doing he  replied I'm throwing them away i replied WHY? he replied. you said they were horrible no I was just playing  he smirked and said  you learned your lesson handing me the plate and I got some eggs bacon and a biscuit and i gobbled that all up. and then when i was done i asked him  where did you put the car keys he replied why ??? Cause I want to find a job there up stairs  I walked up stairs and opened the front door to go outside and there she was standing there MY MOM!!!!,???.........---'''--------Nl

Nikki POV

When I saw her standing there with a dead eye that said to to Me your dream was just a true dream and a shivers went down my spine I scremed with fear and andie rushed down what he replied and his eyes meant with my mom's HOLY SHIT how did she get there i said i don't know and it went black  I fainted oh no --''''''-----------

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