Letter From the Author

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Thank you so much for being my readers. I never imagined something I wrote would gain so much readership here. It's been a wonderful experience that I have learned so much from, and I won't forget the support I've received in writing this story.

I grew up a lot in the past year, I'm in the marching band, I have more friends, I'm happier. I can't explain how strange it has been watching myself grow up through this story.

This just goes to show, there will always be someone who will read what you've written and love it, regardless of what it is. So don't hide your creations. Share them. Embrace your passion and let everyone around you bask in it. It's glorious, and very freeing.

I didn't originally plan to finish this story after the last chapter, I had no clue where I was going to go with it. I had no intentions to release an epilogue exactly two years after the last update, but I'm glad it worked out.

Thank you for always telling me what I'm doing right, and reminding me that you will be dead before I update again. I appreciate every soul who supports my writing, and I am so proud of me, and us.

I couldn't have asked for a better first story. Thank you for making this more than I imagined. I love you all.


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