He's Responsible

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Was hoping for a bit more feedback on the last one, but here you go anyway, worked super hard! Big event this chapter, read and see!


Harry was the one to get Niall and Liam to bed once they got back. Louis watched, going unnoticed, as Harry put Niall to bed, and said a few words to Liam. Harry hugged the sleepy boy, and Louis squinted in frustration. What was he doing?

He left before he could see any more, and a few seconds later, Harry followed.

"So I heard no luck," Harry sighed.

"Well, he was in the diner," Louis mumbled from the couch.

"Right." Harry nodded. "So tell me about this talk you had with Liam?"

"Which one?" Louis asked.

"The one about me."

Louis sighed. "He asked how I could act like I'm fine. I told him it's because I have to play as him, because I know you never would."

Harry crossed his arms, leaning against the door, obviously offended.

"You've been looking out for yourself since this whole thing started. And to Liam, that's confusing. Hell, that's confusing to me. You are so incredibly brave on your own, no acting required. But me? I'm scared he's never coming back. I'm scared that wherever he is, he'd rather stay there than with us."

"He's coming back," Harry said insistently. "I'm positive."

"But HOW?"

"I know why he's disappeared, I know what he's trying to fix. And once he realizes there's nothing he CAN fix, he'll come back as soon as he can."

Louis' face contorted in confusion. "What?"

Harry sighed. "Zayn left, to get away from Liam."

"But why?" Louis asked. "Liam needs him."

"But Zayn needs Liam."

Louis raised an eyebrow, telling Harry that he still wasn't getting it.

"And he's not sure if Liam needs him in the same way."

Louis' face softened, as he took the words into consideration. Then, he looked back up.

"But he does."

Now it was Harry's turn to be confused. "Pardon?"

Louis sighed guiltily. "I'm not supposed to tell, and he'd kill me if I did, but... Liam has, er, feelings about Zayn. For Zayn."

Harry's mouth slowly stretched into a smile, his dimples appearing. It sort of creeped Louis out.


Harry nodded. "Zayn, too."

Louis' eyes widened, his smile appeared, and he let out a short laugh. "Serious?"

Harry nodded. Louis was now grinning with delight. But it soon turned back into the earlier look of confusion. "Then why did he leave?"

"I told you, to get away from Liam. He thinks that if he spends enough time away from him, he'll forget about it. But I think he's just driving himself mad."

Louis shook his head. "That's ridiculous. Everyone knows you can't forget about that sort of thing."

"Well I think it's more about Liam now, like he thinks Liam wouldn't want to be around him since their fight."

Louis sighed. "We have to get him back, immediately."


"We have to, for him and Liam."

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