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Liam felt almost as paranoid as Zayn. Every time he turned his gaze he thought he saw the lad somewhere in between. Zayn was everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. And it was driving Liam mad.

Ever since he told his secret to Louis, he'd regretted it, feeling like Louis would tell somebody. And he put his trust in him. But all the fear of someone else finding out, made him delirious.

Liam took a deep breath from the backseat. Nobody noticed, not even Niall who was leaned up against the window. Niall was slowly becoming more distant. To the others, it was just human nature, if they even noticed at all. But to Liam, it was like Niall was disappearing as well.

Everyone stared out their windows carefully. Except for Niall, who was sleeping. Liam wished he could allow himself to look away, but the countless Zayn Maliks outside of his window were keeping his gaze locked.

"How exactly are we supposed to find him?" he mumbled to Louis. Louis reached into the backseat and smacked Niall's foot, and the blonde looked up.

"I mean, I know we can't just go asking around," he continued. "Everyone would see us, and eventually they'd ask about Zayn."

"What's wrong with them knowing?" Louis said. "We're not lying about this, not when it's such a big deal."

Liam sighed. "All I'm saying is that he's probably not going to be just walking down the street."

Louis swerved the car to park on the sidewalk in front of an old-fashioned diner, Liam hitting his head on the window. Louis shifted into park, and switched the car off.

"Feel like looking?" he asked, agitated. Now also irritated, Liam opened his door roughly, stepped out, and slammed it. He shook his head, hoping they'd get Zayn back soon so they'd stop fighting.

Pulling up the hood of the jacket he'd almost forgotten, he shoved open the door of the small diner as Louis was trying to get Niall out of the car. He looked around. It looked familiar, but only because all diners look the same.

He say down at a bar stool, sniffling a bit. He hadn't realized how close he was to tears. But he shoved the thought aside, and instead looked up as a blonde waitress stared at him from the other side of the counter.

"You are the second we've had in here today," she said. It was almost as if his ears perked up at these words.

"Second what?"

She leaned in close, smelling of every sweet smell in the world. Liam loved the scent, but it made him sick at the same time. "Second boy from One Direction."

She leaned back, and Liam's spark of interest blew into a fire.

"Yeah. Your buddy came in here earlier. He was in a lot of denial about who he was." She shrugged. "Useless, since it's me he's trying to fool."

"About what time did he come in here?" Liam asked. The waitress looked up as Lou and Niall entered.

"Well geez, did you bring everyone?" she asked, a slight chuckle in her voice.

"Not Harry. So when was he here?"

Louis sat next to Liam, Niall sitting next to Louis. Liam frowned. Why was Niall backing off of Liam?

"He was here about two, maybe three hours ago," she said plainly. "Kept talking in an American accent as if he'd lived here his whole life. He um..." She held up a napkin, with a large scribble on it. "Signed this."

Liam smirked to himself. Wow, he thought. So much for undercover.

"Yeah he was really weird about the whole thing. Looked like he hadn't eaten or slept for days, and he seemed a bit... irritated. It was weird but at the same time he seemed so at ease."

Liam frowned again. Why hadn't he been at ease at home? With Liam?

"So he was here?" Niall asked sleepily. Mia laughed.

"Yes he was here," she said slowly, smiling, "and he was right over there." She pointed at a table near the door, and all the lads turned to look.

"He said he had to go away, like it was the only place he could go. And I don't think he wanted me to tell you, but now I feel like I have to. I can't just lie to you guys, and I think it's be better if I just told."

Liam realized that the fate of the band was pretty much in this girl's palm. And she chose to do what SHE thought was best. Funny, how some things work like that.

"So naturally, I don't know where he went," she continued. "But I saw him take a cab thataway." She pointed to her left, gesturing to the street as well.

Louis stood up, helping Niall to his feet. "We appreciate the help, thank you so much."

Liam started to stand up as well, when he heard her ask, "You're gonna find him, right?"

They all turned around.

"I mean, I know I'm just like a bystander but I've figured out a lot of stuff in the last few hours, and I want to make sure you guys are gonna be together by next week."

Liam nodded, his heart lifting a bit, believing his own words. "We'll find him."


Liam even smiled at the new hope that he was being injected with. "Promise."

The waitress smiled back at him. "Good." And with that, she turned on her heel, her long ponytail swishing flawlessly, and went back into the kitchen.

Walking out of the diner with good and bad news, Liam felt pleased that he pissed Louis off at such a convenient time.

"Told you we should've left earlier," Niall mumbled, head resting on his fist. The sky was dark, and looked like it was about to rain. Liam hoped it would. He needed something calming.

"At least we know he was there," Louis said.

"But if he keeps moving around... How the hell are we going to find him?" Niall asked.

Liam hadn't said anything since they left. He was afraid he'd burst in excitement if he tried to speak. He had been there, in the same place they had been. They got that much. Zayn had been in that same room just hours before they had arrived.

"I don't think we're supposed to. Maybe he's just on a break."

Liam looked up. "What? We're not looking for him?"

"We can't just chase him all over the place, we'll never catch him. And if we do, what if he is planning to come back, but we screw it up? It's safer to just wait for him to fix himself up and start feeling better," Louis pointed out.

"But Louis--!"

Louis slammed on the brakes again, and the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of the road. Louis opened his door.

"C'mon. I need to talk to you."

Liam stepped out of the car, knowing what was coming, while Niall watched, obviously lost.

"What's goin--"

"Stay here," Louis said authoritatively. "We'll be right back."

Gulping, Liam followed, not eager in the least to have this talk again.

So today is July 23rd, the second birthday of the boys! WOOHOO! *blows noisemaker* Also, it is the birthday of Waliyha Malik, and myself. So I decided to finish this up, since the last chapter finally got the ten votes I always wait for, and give it to you guys as a gift! Of course, I had to watch my new DVD first... Happy Birthday, Directioners! Love! Mwah! <3

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