Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Levis POV

By the time I reached my hotel room, it was already almost 3 am. After my unexpected meeting with Marina, I had taken a long jog around Iowa. I was drenched in sweat by the time I was finished. I probably smelled awful too I realized. I hadn't realized how truly exhausted I was from my run until I saw the stairs. I groaned. I always took the stairs, just for the exercise. But one time in an elevator wouldn't kill me. I walked over to the elevator, very aware of the pain in my muscles in every step. I ran almost every night, but either not as long or as fast as I did tonight. But the time had flown by when I was running today. I had spent the whole time thinking about Marina. Her beautiful hair, her perfect curves......

Stop. I commanded myself. I couldn't think about Marina any more. But I couldn't help myself. I HAD to think about her.

Marina POV

I slowly opened my eyes, aware of the sweat running down my face. I was burning up! The sound of steady breathing alerted me to Jeremy's presence. I had forgotten he spent the night with me! No wonder I was practically dying of heat stroke, he was like an oven! I closed my eyes, remembering the dream I had been having right before I woke up.


I was in my parents doorway again, watching them being murdered. Suddenly, I was standing next to a casket, feeling the smoothness of the wood. Chase was lying in it, eyes closed, face pale. Tears were running down my face as I stared at my 18 year old older brother's face. He had died in some sort of accident, my parents never really told me the details of the story though, so I didn't know what kind of accident exactly.

My eyes flew open and before I could stop it, I started sobbing. My brother's death was still a touchy topic for me.  Jeremy sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked groggily. I couldn't reply. I had silenced my sobs but tears were still pouring down my face. I knew if I opened my mouth, more sobs would escape. Jeremy just rubbed my back and whispered consoling words to me.

"I...I-I had a....another.....night...mare" I managed to get out. Jeremy was the only one who knew about the nightmares I had almost every night since my brother died. When I turned 17, they became less frequent, about once or twice a month. But since my parents died, they were a nightly ritual for me. I would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, sobbing, or crying silently.

The thought of my parents' death brought back the last part of my dream.

My parents' killer was slowly turning around, just like he did during the real event. Then he ran to the window and jumped into the night. I remembered his face, the gorgeous quality of..........

The boy I almost ran over yesterday had killed my parents.


I apologize for it being so short but I'm totally blocked. I have lots of ideas, but they keep running into each other in my yeah.

The picture is Marina's car!!!

Anywho..... I might not continue this story since no one appears to like it.

Which means if you DO like it and want me to continue, you MUST!!!! Comment, vote and fan!




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