Entry 8

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Thanks to the SCP practically destroying Jack's house in their raid that was no longer a viable option. They had to get out of the surrounding area so the SCP wouldn't be able to find them, and Anna checked herself to make sure there weren't any tracking devices on her. Once she confirmed there was nothing out of the ordinary the two drove off and just continued to drive until they could find a city apartment to reside in.

"The serpents gave me money just in case a situation like this arose." Jack says as they continue to drive. "Man, am I glad to see you again."

"I'm just glad you managed to break me out, a second time no less. How did you do it? I heard alarms go off." Anna replies.

"One of the serpents was willing to sacrifice his life for me. He released SCP-075 to get everyone to evacuate, and that was when we made our move." Jack says. "At least he didn't die in vain, it was because of him I managed to break you out again. We've only known each other for a month at most, but all the bonding we've done... I don't want to lose you."

"I never want to see that dreaded containment site again. I can't thank you enough for rescuing me, and to be honest, I'm feeling more at home when I'm with you." Anna replies.

"We're both broken children, victims of abuse. Like I've said before, we'll get through this together." Jack says. "I never thought that one raid would lead me to helping you find home. It's almost reminds me of the Wizard of Oz." Jack rambles. "Have you ever watched it?"

"No, not really." Anna replies. 

"It's an old movie. A girl plans on running away, and then a tornado sweeps her up to this wonderland, and there she learns that there's no place like home." Jack explains. "The only thing is, that home was not your first home and it was not the SCP facilities. I helped you find home, and I think we both know where home is now."

"It was such a journey with you, I don't ever want it to end." Anna says. "For the whole time I was in that cell I thought I would never see light, never see anyone again, and you gave me that hope, by breaking me out and letting me experience being in an actual home, being part of an actual family."

"I'm touched that you think of me as family." Jack replies, letting a tear flow. "I thought I'd never have anyone to call family either, until I freed you. You've been like a daughter to me, someone to care for, someone to look over, I'm more than elated that you came into my life."

"I think we're both happy that we met." Anna says as Jack and Anna near the city. Jack's car runs out of gas just in time as they stop near the edge of the city, and they abandon the car somewhere out in a field before heading into the nearly empty city. Anna hugs Jack to try and hide herself from the public eye and successfully manages to do so as they find their way to a hotel. Jack whips out his communicator and lets Anna do the talking.

"Have you successfully escaped?" The serpent on the other line asks.

"This is Anna." Anna replies. "We have successfully escaped and we are now in a big city where Jack is trying to find an apartment."

"Good to hear from you." The serpent says. "Don't worry about him, we have the money issue covered." And with that, Anna hands Jack his communicator and he puts it away as they enter a hotel. They greet the person at the front desk, but Anna soon becomes uncomfortable when the person starts staring at her.

"Wow." The person says. There are a few nervewracking seconds of silence before he speaks. "Do you do cosplay often?"

"Cosplay? What's cosplay?" Anna asks.

"It's what you're doing right now. You dress up as a popular character like Mario or Sonic." The person explains. "Either that or you probably haven't been out in the sun for a long while."

"It was a bad case. I managed to help free her." Jack replies.

"I had received previous notice that you two were coming, first year is free, and from there on it's sixty dollars monthly." The person says. "Here's your room card."

"Thank you sir." Jack replies as the two take the elevator up. They follow the room numbers until they get to the right number, and they are greeted with one bed. "...I think our serpent friends made a mistake..." Anna doesn't understand at first until she notices the one bed that they have to share. After returning to the front desk to make arrangement changes, they get a new card and a new room with two beds.

"That's better." Anna chuckles as they make themselves comfortable. The sun is high in the sky so Jack uses the remaining money that the serpents gave him to purchase some starting clothes for the both of them. Anna is happy that Jack remembered that pajama combo of the heart tee, black sweats and socks she liked and is even more elated when she realizes Jack also bought the exact outfit she had taken interest in before she got captured. The sun hat was just as she remembered, the white tee had some aztec patterns on it, the black jacket and skirt were denim as opposed to the conflicting silk and polyester, and the sandals had a lower heel, meaning she could save her feet from aches and they even looked cuter than the ones she had on before. Jack had ditched the all black look and instead went for this fancy green and white polo with the number 88 patched onto the chest area, beige cargo shorts and white sneakers. The only black thing was a marines hat that sat on top of his head, completing the outfit and his pajamas retained the all black scheme. "You just can't seem to get away from the all black can you?"

"The serpents employ the dark, which is why we wear black." Jack chuckles as the two get used to their new room, their new home.

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