Entry 2

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Jack's house was fairly far away from the SCP containment site he'd taken Anna from. It blends in with all the other houses on the block and is practically indistinguishable from the outside. Inside, there's a fairly large kitchen, a giant living room that makes up most of the downstairs, and upstairs is where the bedrooms are located. On both floors there is a bathroom, but only the upstairs one has a shower compartment. Once Jack and Anna make it inside the house safely, the girl quickly locates the bathroom and examines her current appearance.

"Hey Anna, is everything okay there?" Jack asks.

"Yes, everything's fine!" Anna replies. "You wouldn't happen to have any makeup or other stuff in this house?"

"My roommate probably left some of her stuff here before she moved out. Try looking in the upstairs bathroom." Jack says.

"Wait you have an upstairs one as well?" Anna asks, surprised. "Talk about convenient!" She says as she heads upstairs and successfully locates the cosmetic items that Jack's roommate left behind. Being late into the night, Jack waits just outside of the upstairs bathroom as he hears Anna run the hot water.

"It's only ten, I suppose I could stay up a little longer for her." Jack mumbles to himself. Half an hour later Anna emerges covered in towels and Jack leads her to the other bedroom where his roommate would normally sleep. Having been regularly cleaned even since she left, the roommate's old clothes were still in the closet; pajamas, dresses, shoes and all, and Jack excuses himself so Anna can find something to wear for the night. When she emerges from the room she has taken to wearing a heart tee and black sweats for pajamas, along with white socks. "Wait... Who even sleeps with socks on nowadays? How do you do that?" Jack asks, noticing the socks.

"I don't sleep with them on. I just don't want my feet to get cold when I walk around." Anna replies.

"Fair enough." Jack replies as he excuses himself to go take a shower. Jack has stuck with the all black attire for his pajamas, simply wearing a solid black tee and pajama shorts.

"Say, why did you keep all of her stuff here? Is she ever going to come back?" Anna asks, noting the roommate's clothes that Jack simply left untouched.

"She just didn't want me touching them when I left, and she'd outgrown them as well. They seem to fit you like a glove." Jack replies. "Have you had anything to eat?"

"Some, yes." Anna says.

"And on that same note, what do you eat? Is it the same as what I would normally eat?" Jack asks.

"I mean I can eat normal food like you, it's just that I also have to eat this clay stuff." Anna explains. "It's for my skin."

"I'd only briefly noticed it before." Jack replies as he gently runs his hand over her arm. "It's as smooth as porcelain."

"It hurts to move a lot though because this can crack really easily." Anna says.

"So what's this clay stuff that you eat?" Jack asks.

"They call it kaolin." Anna replies.

"Kaolin huh?" Jack says as he rummages through his storage rooms, but alas he finds nothing. "Looks like I'll have to stock up for you, but I think I might have something that will suffice. How does glaze sound?"

"As in ceramic glaze?" Anna asks. "I guess that'll do for now."

"Yeah, cause the kaolin is a little expensive to buy in bulk." Jack replies. "Got it-OW!"

"Are you okay?!" Anna asks, worried.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." Jack replies as he rubs his head and emerges with a big jar of glaze. "I wonder what that was doing there but hey, it should work." And with that Jack pops open the lid and Anna sticks her finger into the glaze. She gives it a taste, giving a few experimental expressions before giving a thumbs up. "Until I can get some kaolin that should do for now."

"Say, what is your name? I never got to know yours." Anna asks.

"Oh mine? It's Jack." Jack replies. "You don't have anything on you that the SCP could track you with?" With that in mind Anna searches herself for anything that could be a tracking device, and luckily she turns up with nothing.

"So far nothing." Anna says. "I don't ever want to go back to that place."

"I wouldn't either." Jack replies. "How much do you know, like education wise?"

"I was home schooled." Anna says. "I know how to cook, I obviously know how to do makeup and everything in that field..."

"Could you say you were in middle school?" Jack asks.

"Maybe a little lower than that." Anna replies.

"I'm not sure how far you got with your education when you were holed up, so I'll do my best to help you catch up." Jack says. "Well, I usually go to sleep at around eleven, so is there anything you want to do before you hit the hay?"

"What's on the TV?" Anna asks as they head to the living room and Jack flicks on the TV. By default the TV has chosen a timeless classic for the two to watch: Jack and Kenny.

"Oh this is the best." Jack says as he and Anna find comfortable spots on the couch and watch the slapstick duo go through various hijinks.

"I feel like I've seen this before when I was younger." Anna laughs as she watches the duo get caught in an avalanche of snow. Both of them burst into full out hysterics as Kenny then pops his head out wondering what the hell just happened, and this continues on until the episode ends, and with that, Jack's eyes are starting to get a little heavy, as are Anna's.

"Man we've gotten really lucky today. First I managed to get you out without them noticing, then I made a good choice in keeping my roommate's clothes around, and now I've got something that can keep you healthy." Jack chuckles. "I doubt my roommate will ever come back to visit, now that she's gone on with her own life. Her bedroom is yours now."

"Thank you, for everything." Anna replies as she embraces Jack and he returns it, being gentle as to avoid cracking her skin. "Good night, Jack."

"Good night, Anna." Jack replies as the two separate and head into their separate rooms.

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