Entry 6

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"Alright, I'm hoping that nothing too crazy happens." Jack mumbles as he wakes up. He slowly trudges out of bed and then creaks the door to Anna's room open just a little bit. He breathes a sigh of relief that she's still in her room, peacefully sleeping and making cute snoring noises. Satisfied he quietly heads downstairs and cooks up breakfast for himself and Anna, and it's not long before the porcelain princess herself stirs from her slumber and heads downstairs. The smell of eggs and bacon draw Anna to the kitchen where Jack is just about done and is putting the pan he used to cook it in the sink. Once he gets two plates for themselves, Anna sprinkles on some kaolin before the two eat up, fueling themselves for the day ahead of them. Jack changes to go to work and then he hands Anna something.

"What's this?" Anna asks as Jack lets go of her hand. It's a bracelet with little beads that spell out "Anna", and she puts it on. "Thank you!"

"It didn't cost me too much money at least." Jack replies as they share one of countless hugs. "Alright, I'm going to go to work. Stay safe."

"Okay!" Anna chirps as Jack heads out and she locks the front door. She then heads upstairs to experiment with her outfits once more before she finally settles on one that really seems to interest her: She wore a black sun hat, a white tee and a black jacket, a black skirt that just fell to her knees and matching colored sandals. That's when something... Or rather someONE starts trying to break the front door down... "Oh no!" She whimpers as she goes into hiding. At the front door is a D-class dressed in ordinary clothing, and he is trying everything he can to get the door down. He kicks, punches, wrestles with the knob, anything he can to get it open but nothing works. That's when he steps back a few feet and charges at the door. With the force of an angry rhino the door practically explodes as the D-class manages to get in and SCP soldiers disguised as police officers emerge from hiding to storm the house.

"SCP-706 is somewhere in here! Leave no stone unturned!" The soldiers shout as the D-class tries to help locate Anna. The soldiers then start bashing down every single door until they find Anna's bedroom. Anna's luck runs out as the D-class finds Anna and yells for the soldiers. The soldiers try their best to avoid cracking Anna but they successfully carry Anna out of the house under the guise of a kidnapping victim and the D-class as her kidnapper. Once they are out of sight though, they make a break for it and bring Anna back to the SCP facilities. When Jack returns home he only returns to a horrifying sight that is every single door in his house blasted to smithereens, everything in his house overturned and destroyed, and no Anna.

"No... This has to be a dream..." Jack mumbles to himself as he enters Anna's room. Sure enough there was signs of a struggle, and then Jack notices something carved into the wall- an all too familiar logo that makes his blood boil. "Good girl Anna." Jack snickers. "Now I know exactly who's responsible." And with that he whips out his communicator, hoping to reach a member of the Serpent's Hand. For a minute he gets no response, but eventually someone does pick up.

"What's up? Something wrong?" The serpent asks.

"We've got major trouble." Jack replies. "They recaptured the SCP and left my house ransacked. How's stuff going at the main base?"

"Everyone that was at the old building was killed by a storm of SCP soldiers. They reported no less than a hundred of them." The serpent replies. "You were the only one that survived thanks to you taking the SCP home."

"Send a group to my location. We need to group up and find a way to retrieve Anna." Jack says.

"Anna?" The serpent asks, confused.

"Yes I named her. Don't ask." Jack replies bluntly as a small group of serpents comes through Jack's front door, or lack thereof, and he meets up with them. "Good to see you made it here safe."

"Hey, we got your back." One serpent says. "Are we doing another raid on the facility?"

"Yes, but this time it's personal." Jack replies. "They stormed my house as you can tell, ransacked everything, and took back an SCP. Don't ask why but I gave her a name, Anna."

"No questions regarding that. How are we doing this?" Another serpent asks.

"We all remember the containment sites right?" Jack says as he allows his allies to recall.

"Clear as a bell." A serpent replies. "Will you suspect she's in the same cell?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if they moved her. We'll have one of you check the same cell to see if she's there, and if not we'll plan an infiltration into the main building. If they try to fool us, don't worry, I'll know who the real Anna is." Jack explains.

"Good deal." The other serpents reply in unison as Jack readies his KH90 once more. "We were dropped off by helicopter though so we have no mode of transportation at the moment."

"Good thing I still have my car. It should fit all of you." Jack says as the troop piles into his car and they drive off. One of the serpents whips out his communicator to talk with home base and give them updates when asked.

"Might I ask, how well did you get to know Anna?" The serpent in the front passenger seat asks.

"She could have been mistaken for my daughter. That's how close we were." Jack replies. "It's why I'm planning this raid. I don't want to lose her to those... Infidels..." He says as his knuckles whiten on the steering wheel. Understanding his distress and subsequent rage against the accursed foundation, the serpent quickly shuts his mouth to avoid aggravating him any further. The troop picks a different building to hide out in and they wait for night to fall. A few hours pass and the sun completely goes down and the moon is just starting to rise, the time is now. "Anna, this is for you."

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