Chapter 6

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~Links dream~

*As I woke up I got up and went to take a leak. After I washed my hands I poor my coffee in my special cup, and walked to the studio. As I waited for Rhett I thought about the dream I had last night.

I dreamt that I was sitting in the studio drinking my coffee, when Rhett came in the room and kissed me.

Suddenly Rhett came in the room and my cheeks began to get warm.

"Morning Link!" Rhett smiled at me. "Are you blushing?" He asked. I glanced at the mail we had to read today, cause today was Thursday.

"Oh... Uh... No, I was just reading this mail here." I told him. As I looked back up at him my mouth was slightly opened, I pushed up my glasses. He sat down and grabbed the letter and started reading it.

When he was done he looked at me. I was staring at the table, as he sucked in air about to say something, I looked at him.

"This letter is good, but I really don't think it would make you blush. I've never seen you blush like that, Link." He half smiled, He was looking at me, but he never stared into my eyes. I could tell the difference between if you were looking at me, or staring into my eyes.

"Rhett.." I began.

"Yes, Link?" Rhett raised his eyebrows a little.

"Why don't you ever stare into my eyes, you always just look at them..." I stated. Rhett looked down, I swear I could see his cheeks turn a little pink. Suddenly the door opened, and the crew walked in.

"Oh, look who's here! Morning everyone!" Rhett smiled. As the crew set up, I was making sure the mic was in line.

Rhett walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and pushed up my glasses. "Come with me." He whispered and was suddenly walking towards the door to a hallway that leads to the bathroom. I got up and started to follow him.

"Ten minutes!" I heard as I followed Rhett into the hall. He stopped at the bathroom door and opened it. As he walked in I stood there, if he was going to the bathroom I didn't want to disturb him.

As he walked in the door he stopped, I think he realized I wasn't about to watch him pee. I felt his eyes look at me while I stood there with my back against the wall, my arms were crossed and I was looking the other way.

I felt something grab my arm, and before I could say something Rhett pulled me towards the door. When we were both in the bathroom, he closed and locked the door behind him. Suddenly I felt really nervous. Rhett has never done this before.

"Rhett, why did you want me to watch you go to the bathroom?" I questioned. Rhett smiled and started laughing. When he stopped he looked at me.

"I didn't bring you here to watch me pee! I brought you here cause I wanted to tell you something." Rhett told me.

"Well, what was it you wanted to say?" I asked. I wanted to know why he locked the door but I thought that maybe when he tells me what it is, it would probably answer both of my questions.

"Well, you asked me a question earlier." He stated looking down.

"Yeah, but then you looked down and blushed..." I reminded him. He looked towards a wall and tried not to blush, but he didn't succeed so he crossed his arms. He looked down quickly and stared at his feet.

I walked over and pushed him aside a little, and he almost fell to the floor. I reached for the door handle and he grabbed my arm. I pushed up my glasses and looked at him.

"Rhett, what the fuck are you trying to tell me?" I asked with a little frustration in my voice.

"I wanted to answer your question. Link, I can't stare into your eyes." He explained to me letting my arm go. I faced towards him.

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