Chapter 17

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~Christy's point of view~
"This is stupid! I know it all worked out great, they got each other, and I have you." I smiled at the thought of having Jessie all to myself. "But... I don't want a divorce! That's too much paper work! Too much money! The kids are going to wonder what happened when they get back from Grandmas house! I don't want to tell them! Link won't help me tell our kids! Do you really think that Rhett is going to help you? They probably don't even care about the kids!" I was getting madder and madder thinking about it.

"Christy, I know you're angry, but there's nothing we can do about it. Trust me, I'm angry too... But we have to move on I guess..." Jessie stated looking for my reaction. 'Hmm...' I thought. 'We could get back at them... but how...' "What are you thinking?" Jessie sounded curious. I thought for a moment. 'I got it!'

"Is it too early to go to the coffee shop?" I asked looking at the time. '6:02'.

"I mean... Coffee sounds good I guess, which one would you like to go to?" Jessie asked me with a smile.

"The coffee shop that we all used to go too." Jessie looked confused, I knew she knew that this coffee shop was just down the street from where Rhett and Link were staying. "Look, we may not be able to do anything, but we can have revenge.  You'll text Rhett telling him to meet you at the coffee shop to talk about the divorce. Then, we will already be there when you text him, I'll sit at a table while you go to the bathroom and wait for Rhett. I'll text you when I see him. I will be video recording on my phone, you'll lean in really close to Rhett, you'll have to look around for me to make sure I'm recording. That's your signal to lean in really close and kiss Rhett. Then I will go over the video afterwards and screenshot the moment you kiss Rhett, then I'll send it to Link." I smiled at Jessie. She still looked a little confused.

"So... Why are we doing this?" Jessie asked.

"Because they ruined our lives and the kids lives, so why not ruin their lives?" I smiled. Jessie looked a little unsure as she nodded her head and pulled out her phone. "Look, it will be fine. They were with us for so long that they probably still have feelings for us anyway. So, we probably won't even hurt them, and then we can go back to secret affairs and fame and money, like before." I smiled trying to reassure Jessie.

~Jessie's point of view~
'What if her plan fails... I don't want to hurt Rhett and Link...' still feeling unsure I agreed with Christy and began to text Rhett.

'Hey Rhett, we need to go over some things for the divorce, can you meet me at the coffee shop down the street? I know it's really early but it's really been bugging me.' I typed and sent. As I waited for a text back Christy and I went over the plan again.

Ten minutes later my phone buzzed.

'I'm here.' Rhett sent me.

"He's already there!" I worried looking at Christy. "What do we do?"

"I will grab a newspaper and walk in covering my face, okay? He won't realize a thing." Christy stated kissing my cheek.

When we got to the coffee shop, I walked in first. I scanned the shop and found Rhett. I then ordered my coffee and waited for it. 'Okay...' I thought. 'You can do this... This isn't going to hurt them too much... That's what Christy said... Right...' I reassured myself sitting on the other side of Rhett. I scooted so close to Rhett that our legs were touching. I then proceeded to touch his leg.

"What the fuck!" Rhett whispered loudly. "We were supposed to talk about the divorce!" I leaned in a little, scanned the room to find Christy. Once I found her I smiled, to let her know I saw her. 'I hope this won't fuck with anything... But... I guess I love the fame as much as Christy does...' I thought kissing Rhett's lips. He instantly recoiled.

"Come on, Rhett? You don't actually love Link do you?" I whispered into Rhett's ear softly. 'Maybe Christy's right? Maybe he still has feelings for me? But he recoiled... what did I do...' I thought as Rhett was getting up to leave. He looked frustrated. 'Oh no... what  have I done... I need to fix this...' I thought grabbing his arm softly. Rhett turned to face me.

"Link and I love each other, there isn't anything that is going to change that. I don't care what you got on Christy's phone, Link isn't ever going to believe you." He whispered as I let go of his arm. He stormed out of the coffee shop. I looked over at Christy who was sitting there smiling at me as if to say "Good job."

I walked out of the coffee shop to hopefully catch him, but he was gone. Christy walked over beside me. "I didn't want any apart of this!" I was mad. Why would she convince me to do that...

"Well, you are already apart of it." Christy smirked, and then kissed my cheek.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't do anything without thinking about how I ruined a perfect relationship. Christy did come up with the plan, but it was my actions that did it. Now, it is going to be my actions that fix it. I just hope that Rhett will let me talk...

I waited, since I lived with Rhett, I knew when GMM started and when it ended, so I decided to be patient and wait until GMM was done.

When I got there, I parked beside Rhett and made sure Links vehicle was still there too. I then checked to see if the Mythical Crew left. They did. "It's not my fault!" I heard Rhett scream.

I walked into the studio to find Link crouched in the corner shaking, and Rhett angrily coming towards him. Rhett punched the wall, a shaking Link jumped and started sobbing. "Rhett stop!" I shouted. Rhett jumped and turned around to look at me. His face went red and he clenched his teeth and fists.

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