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I didnt sleep well at night because of my thoughts, though I woke up early just to gather enough courage before I meet my father. I was watching Sara getting ready for School, she looked at me and smiled. Everything will be fine she said holding my hand and I nodded before leaving for my home. When I arrived home, I saw both mom and dad were sitting on the sofa, in front of the door eagerly waiting for me. They looked at me nervously, so I just smiled and asked mom for something to eat and followed her into the kitchen.

At least, give your dad a chance to explain first. Mom said, handing me a bowl of cereals.

Thats what Im here for. I said eating.

We sat there in complete silence before dad came in. He sat down beside mom and looked at me with a longing in his eyes. I asked him to explain himself and he started with an apology. He explained to me everything that happened in these past years. Why him and mom started fighting, because she didnt wanted him to have the case as it was too risky. He told me, he left us because he didnt want to put us in danger, he had to fake his death to be undercover. He was doing this because his best friend was killed by some gangster and his family was captive and in danger. He said that he was trying hard to pull that case in public but the mafia was strong enough to shut it down. Lastly he had no choice, but to do all that to save them and to unmask the evil. He had no choice but to investigate and there were two reasons for that, one, the person who had been killed was his friend since he was a child and second, that even if he skipped the case his familys life would be on stake. He left everything he had because he cared, the people he saved were surely grateful to him, but he never meant to hurt us. He added that mom knew everything and they decided to keep it a secret because I was too little.

Im so sorry dear, but everything Ive done only because it was necessary. I know it is difficult for you to forgive me but at least give me a chance to make it up to you. Dad said apologetically and I sat there in silence.

Were so sorry honey, but Rihaans mother needed all the support she could have and we decided to give that, but we never left your side-- mom was speaking and I stopped her in the middle,

Rihaans mother? I asked with shock all over my face. They both looked hesitantly at each other before saying anything. Finally after a minute of silence dad spoke, he accepted that the friend of his was none other than Rihaans father, and he had known Rihaans family from a very long time. He told me that he used to look out for Rihaan when he was in the boarding school, away from his mother, Rihaan was always a shy, but aggressive kid and never let anyone into his life. He added, then continued telling me that how he stayed beside him and helped him to keep a contact with his mother. One day I was sitting on the bench outside Rihaans hostel, where we usually met. I was too lost in my thoughts that I didnt realize when he came and sat next to me. He convinced me to tell him what I was worried so much about, and all I could speak of was about you, my little daughter. That day he promised me to take care of you until we solved the case and transferred to your School. Those words of him made their way straight through my heart, I felt like an arrow wounding me hard. He told me everything about his association with Rihaan and his family. He told me that Rihaan wanted to visit his mother but there was no way that his father would allow him and so he came up with the idea of our extracurricular assignment. The authority was not willing to risk any students life and so they decided to send in groups. he added. He said that regretted to put us all in danger but it was only our help that the case was now solved and Miraj was finally behind bars. Tears were welling in all of our eyes. After knowing everything, I couldnt help but hug him. I knew he cared for me, and I saw that in his eyes. I didnt want to lose my dad again and so I hugged him even tighter, forgiving him about everything that happened. I loosened the grip for once and hold a hand towards mom to pull her in, it really felt good to have both of them with me. We parted with smiles on our faces, but I had one last question.

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