A growing bond.

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Today was not like just any other day, it was a whole kind of different. I was more eager for the latter two hours than for the School. I made a to-do list for the rest of the day and started keeping my notes inside my bag. I woke up early this morning and so I decided to make breakfast, though I didn't like cooking much. Mom was startled on seeing me in the kitchen. I smiled and made her sit on the chair. We finished with our breakfast and mom reminded me that I had to ask Rihaan for dinner, which I knew I had completely forgotten. Then I told her that I will ask him, and hell come if he wants. She said it was fine and I went to get dressed.

When we reached School Sara was continuously talking about Rihaan, she was desperate to know more about him and also wanted me to make him a connection. It sounded nice for once, maybe I wanted that too, but I ignored that thought and told her that it was not happening. Then I added 'not until the exams'. At first she didn't reacted to my words but as soon as she realized what I said, her eyes and mouth were wide open and she started tickling me and saying "Someone's all different today." I told her to stop because I was very ticklish. We were laughing so hard that my stomach started aching. We stopped on hearing a voice, and it said "Leave my way, Bitches." I turned around to see it was Shree, 'Indushree' was her real name and the only thing that she hated about herself. I and Sara used to tease her by calling her full name, and it made her furious every time. All of us were friends, more like best friends until she hit puberty and became the most popular girl in the town. She was a rich dads girl and so she got everything she ever wanted, which made her obstinate and arrogant.

"Go away Shree, dont mess with us." Sara told her,

"Oh I see! Two little birds chirping around, shoo go away." She criticized,

The conversation was heating up, they passed some warm glances. I wanted to tell her, what she was doing is wrong, we were good friends and now she hates us for no reason. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, Bhav (Bhargav Dubey) intervened our conversation. Seeing him Shree walked away angrily. "What was she doing here?" Bhav asked, none of us gave him any answers instead we counter questioned him "Where have you been?" I asked, and Sara questioned him, "When did you came?" Our voices coincided as we spoke. We both looked at each other in confusion, "You knew where he was?" I asked Sara, she nodded in a yes. Then she asked me "You didn't know where he was?" and I nodded in a no. "I'm sorry Niv, I was out of the town with family and forgot to inform you." he apologized to me. That's fine. I said, then he asked for an answer to his first question, Sara told him to ignore her. His face went pale, we asked him what happened so he said "It's all because of me." and looked down. We empathized him and convinced him to leave the past, in the past.

We all were connected when we were kids, but everything took a wrong turn when Shree realized that she loved Bhav. She changed herself to seek his love but he never loved her. He rejected her which hurt her so much that she started taking revenge on us. After several attempts of convincing her, she finally moved on but never stopped hating us. On the other side Sara and Bhav always had feelings for one another, but because of the circumstances they never happened to express their love in the fear of losing their friendship. I just hope one day things start working between them.

In the class, Sara seated herself beside Bhav and they started talking about his little trip and I sat by myself, took out my book and started reading, May I sit here? I looked up and it was Rihaan asking me to sit with me. I smiled at him and moved a little to give him space. He smiled at me and asked what I was reading, so I told him about my notes. "Can I borrow them sometime?" he asked, to which I said yes. I started organizing my things as soon as I realized they were spread all over the desk.

"You dont like to organize things, do you?" he was looking straight into my eyes.

"Not really." I smiled awkwardly.

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