Work, Work, Work.

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Finally after so many days the schools were starting tomorrow. This summer was a lot more interesting than any of the other. I was doing my favorite thing that night, before the school starts. I was arranging my books for the class next day, I know it is silly of me to think that as a favorite thing, but I do love everything connected with books. But there also was something which was bothering me and it was about Rihaan. I havent met him in person since that night when we kissed and tomorrow he was going to be in front of me. We have talked a lot these days, but still I was not sure how to react when I face him. From the way he was talking to me, it seemed that he had moved on from that night. But I was still there, on the roof, in the garden, on that bench. Thinking about how amazing it was and how it should have ended, rather than him apologizing me for what happened. Though whatever that was, it was beautiful. All my feelings were flowing out in the moment and I had not to worry about them. Maybe, for him that was in past but I still remember that every night before I sleep. I was telling myself to be normal tomorrow and not to think more about that night and went to sleep.

The next day, I woke up and decided to make it a fresh start. I got ready and as usual Sara and I drove to school together. We met Bhav in our way to class but Rihaan was nowhere to be seen. We went to take our seats and the class started. Rihaan came late to the class, and he seated at last so that the teacher would not notice him. After the class he came to us and we went together for our other lectures. I neverwanted to act weird around him so I ended up avoiding him, which made him a little aware that something was wrong.

After some time I found myself alone with him in the canteen, I knew he was going to ask me something, so I prepared myself to answer his questions. I didnt want him to know that there were so many things going on in my mind, so I kept nodding my head to whatever he said. Hey, are you even listening? he asked. I didnt exactly heard his question so I kept looking down trying to avoid an eye contact with him. He kept quiet for a minute and then held my chin to make me look at him. I pulled my face away from his hand that instant which made him shook.

What happened to you? Why are you avoiding me? he asked

Nothing I said and laughed like a fool,

Theres definitely something wrong, is this about that night? he asked and I looked at him with wide eyes, without saying a word.

See Im really sorry if you are mad at me about that kiss, it was just a moment, and can we please forget it and get back to how everything was. He said

Yeah! Why not? Forget everything, definitely. I stumbled with my words,

Are we good? he asked,

Yes, definitely we are. I took a deep breath and said,

Please, excuse me Ill be back. I went away, after letting him know that I was fine with everything.

I went to the washroom to have some alone time. I looked in the mirror and kept watching for a while. I smiled to myself, thinking that what I have become of myself, just because of him. I was never that weak to fall for anyone and now everything seemed to be ending at him. I told myself that either I have to accept him as he wants me or just let him go forever. But my heart was too stubborn to let him go and so I decided to just stay as we were before that kiss happened. I washed my face and went outside to see him. I found him sitting alone where I left him. I asked him why was he still there, and he told me that he was worried that he was going to lose me. I assured him that he will never lose me and a bright smile shined on his face. I sat beside him and we started talking about our summers. He told me that he found out about some dirty secrets of his stepfather, which if exposed will lead him to prison for all his remaining life. He knew that those papers were somewhere in his stepfathers house but was not sure where did he put them. He was afraid to tell his mother about those papers, because if somehow his father find out that she was after something he would torture her even more and Rihaan didnt wanted to get her in trouble. I advised him to talk to Ved about it but he refused, because Ved was his real son and maybe he cannot see his father getting caught and aware him of the situation. We talked for hours about these things and even forgot that we had a lecture to attend. A while later, Sara and Bhav came finding us and asked why we missed the lecture. I did not tell anything to them because it was Rihaans personal matter. Rihaan told them that we got caught into some summer discussion and forgot about the lecture. They both smirked and took us to the ground, as the interschool basketball game was about to start.

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