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“Glaber commands from the rear. A cowards position.” The rebels gathered around Spartacus, listening to his speech. “He will lead his troops in tight formation, intending to overpower. As the Roman way... We will teach them ours!”

She followed Donar, Agron and Crixus, hissing at the Romans, slashing at them with sword in hand. She focused on wounding, allowing others to finish them as she cut her way through the mass of chaos erupting around them.

As more Romans came replacing those that were cut down, Crixus yelled towards the group of rebels:

“Fall back to the jungle!”

The archers left, leaving the other rebels on command. They cut the Romans down, more replacing them with every passing second.

Training was being put to good use as the Romans fell under the blades of the rebels, Karin kept a close eye on their surroundings, picking off soldiers that came from either side to attack the others than charging into the fray recklessly.

“Fulco!” She’d missed a Roman. She panicked, turning to see Donar scream out Fulco’s name, as his throat was slit.

“There are too many!” Agron screamed.

“Move!” Crixus ordered them. The four of them remaining taking off into the jungle. Karin couldn’t help but turn to look back where Fulco lay dead on the ground, slowing in her steps as her eyes met the cold ones of the Romans.

“Move!” From behind her, Donar and Agron each grabbed on of her arms, shaking her out of a trance and pulling her away.

They waited at the temple, hearing the shouts of the Romans as they made their way over the wall. She ran out alongside Crixus, Agron and Donar, sword clashing with a soldier who’d manage to meet her blade at the last minute. She looked him in the eye, seeing the surprise that told her that he didn’t know that he would fight a child.

They were cleaving through soldiers, left and right, Donar swinging his axe into a soldiers neck. Two advanced onto Agron, attacking him at the same time. She shouted out to him as she forced the Romans sword away from her face, kicking him in the chest before slashing at his chest, running towards Agron. She slid, knocking a soldier to the ground, getting up with Agrons help, stabbing her sword through his mouth as he screamed.

More soldiers climbed over the wall and she heard the shouts of Naevia, Lugo and another archer. They fired their arrows, mindful of the rebels in the fray, taking down the soldiers with deadly accuracy. Karin dodged, before kicking a soldier in the back, stabbing him before he could get back to his feet.

Mira and another where on the roof, shooting through the space in it, killing the soldiers before they could reach Naevia and her group. A soldier cornered Agron where he tripped over the steps. Before the others could react, Karins sword had left her hand and found it’s way to the soldiers head, the point protruding from the soldiers left eye.

She turned, dodging the sword meant for her neck and delivering quick jabs to the soldier that attempted to kill, her, slamming her forehead into his nose and stealing his sword from him.

The other rebels ran from inside the temple, slaughtering the Romans as Karin noticed a praetor walk into the temple grounds. He had a bruise across his cheekbone, Spartacus walking behind him, eyes weary.

Praetor Varinious.

Karin froze, looking at the man that separated her from her brother all those years ago.

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