Rescue Mission, Part 1

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Third Person POV:

The boat pulls up to the docks at Blackpool. And Emma, Millard and Jake leave the boat. They come onto the dock to see an amusement ride called 'Ghost Train'.

"This can't be it, can it?" Jake asks Emma.

"Loop entrances can be anywhere. The one in London's in a subway tunnel." Emma replies. The trio then enter the ride, and as they go it changes to colour.

"Are you sure this is it?" Jake asks.

"I think so." Emma replies, after looking through the door to see many people and some other rides.

"Millard there's something I need you to do first." Jake says to him.

"I know, I know." He replies, starting to take off all his clothes. Once he's finished the group leave the ride, the Tower in front of them.

"Look, there's the tower. It's not far." Jake says. They start walking.

"Easy for you to say, I'm freezing." Millard complains. As they get to the end of the pier, the tower lies just across the road.

"Ready?" Jake asks Emma, she nods. Together they make their way to the tower, and find themselves in the seats of the tower. Jake goes to check the other doors, when he comes back he finds Emma and Millard. "All of the doors to the cellar are locked. The only way to reach the Ymbrynes is through there. It's backstage."

"How many Hollow can you see?" Millard asks Jake.

"Four, which is good." Jake says.

"I think you and I have a very different explanation of good." Emma replies.

"It means Baron's other friends haven't arrived yet, so they haven't started the experiment." Jake explains. "We're not too late." They then hide behind and Jake looks to Emma. "Okay, Emma. You ready? You know what to say?"

"Here, Jake." Millard says, handing him some rope. Emma nods and undoes her shoes.

"Our brethren should be joining us momentarily. This is a day to-" Mr Barron say to his four human friends and his four invisible Hollow friends. Until he is interrupted.

"Hey! You down there!" Emma says, Mr Barron faces her. "We killed your Hollow friend, Mr Barron. And now we've come for Zoe and Miss Peregrine. Bring them and all the other Ymbrynes to the end of the pier in five minutes, or face the consequences." Jake then pulls Emma back down and the trio makes their way from the tower, while Mr Barron talks to him companions.

"These children must be as insane as their headmistress." He says, chuckling. "Still, the Hollows will be glad if a feed. Where are you? I know you're in here somewhere." He calls out to the Hollows. A trash can is knocked over by one of the Hollows. "Ah, good. Listen to me, I want you to follow Mr Archer and Mr Clark. They're going to take you down to the pier, for a little afternoon tea." He then turns to the pair of men. "Mr Archer, Mr Clark, gather the Hollows and take them to the pier."

"Those children killed Malthus?" A scrawny man asks.

"Baron's had it in for Malthus ever since he killed Abe Portman." A different man comments.

"I tracked Abe Portman for months. All I needed was a few minutes to get the location of Miss Peregrine's loop from him, but no. Malthus couldn't wait. Instead I had to masquerade as a psychiatrist for three weeks, in Florida! Have you ever been to Florida?" Mr Barron says to the man, he shakes his head. He then turns to see the two men on the end still sitting there. "Did I not tell you to gather the Hollows?"

"What if it's a trap?" A woman asks.

"Of course it is, Miss Edwards. But what of it? It's a couple of children against four Hollows, lets get this over with." Mr Barron replies. With those words, the two men walk down the stairs towards the entrance of the Tower, with the four Hollows trailing after them. Despite them being invisible, they knew that they were there because of the lights being smashed out the way.


Jake looks back and sees the group coming from the entrance of the Blackpool Tower, as he pulls Emma along with the rope. People staring at the floating girl. As they walk across, Emma gets trapped in the train wires.

"Jake, I'm stuck." She exclaims. They struggle to get her out, with the pressures of the approaching group and the approaching train. He manages to pull her out of harms way and go back towards the pier. Jake rushed down the pier, while the group wait for the train to pass, however, the scrawny man was hit by the train. Leaving only one man and four Hollows to deal with.

"They're coming!" Jake exclaims to the waiting Peculiars. He brings Emma back to the floor and hands her her shoes. "Let's go." He says to her, and the pair get in their positions ready for the plan. Emma puts her shoes on, while Jake runs through the loop. "Enoch. Now!" He shouts to the waiting peculiar. Enoch nods and goes into the ship, pulling out his hearts, he brings the skeletons on the ship to life.

Jake rushed back through the loop, to see the Hollows close.

"Go! Now!" He orders to the children. The children pop their heads from the top of the ride, and throws snowballs above the large man's head. The snow hits the Hollows.

"We're starting to see them now." Fiona says, Hugh nods.

"Phase two." He says, and then they start throwing colourful things at the Hollows.

"Emma, Go." Jake says to the girl, Olive lifts the cover, and Emma blows on the cotton candy machine. The cotton candy covers the Hollows, they can now be seen.

"Don't just stand there, get them!" The man orders. Then there are gasps from the crowds when skeletons come rushing from the amusement ride, but actually coming from 1943. The skeletons come and start to attack the Hollows. After two of the Hollows are killed, along with the man. Jake looks to see Enoch with a smile, the plan was working. Another is killed and then there is one remaining. This one seems to be taking out all the skeletons in its path. Bronwyn jumps into action and stands on the nearby carousel. She moves towards one of the unicorn rides and twists it, using her strength. As she gets in position, she lets go. And then unicorn goes flying into the hollow, and they both go tumbling into the sea. All the people start running in a while panic, as they try to flee the scene- despite the peculiars knowing that all the Hollows were dead. The group meet up together.

"All right. Good job, guys. It's time for step two." Jake says.

"Save Miss Peregrine and Zoe!" Bronwyn cheers.

"That's sort of step three. First we have to deal with Barron." Jake replies. The group nod and make their way to the Blackpool Tower.

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