Reset Of The Loop

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Zoe's POV:

After changing into the outfit, I walk downstairs to the dining room. As I get there everyone turns to me, I smile to them. I notice that there are four empty seats, but notice the cutlery moving at one of the places- Millard. I also notice that one of the chairs have belt straps on them- Emma. I walk to the vacant one on the other end of the table, and sit next to Enoch. The door opens and in walks Jake and Emma, Jake's outfit added a tie to make him look posher. They come in and Emma sits in the seat with the belt straps, and then Jake goes to sit on the one next to her- where Millard is.

"Ummm Jake?" I say, but he doesn't answer. He just goes to sit down anyway.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Millard asks, as Jake jumps back.

"Millard, go and put some clothes on." Miss Peregrine says. "Polite persons do not take their supper in the nude." Everyone chuckles at that.

"All right. All right." Millard says, leaving the room. Jake then goes to sit down in the chair again.

"You can sit here, Jake." Olive says, pointing to the empty chair next to her. He sits in the chair where Millard was, and then Horace points to Enoch.

"Look at Enoch, he's jealous." He comments. Enoch moves forwards in his chair.

"Why would I be jealous? Olive can go and marry Jake for all I care." Enoch says.

"Don't be mean, Enoch. She doesn't want to." Fiona says. "She's just excited to have a visitor."

"Nobody is marrying anybody. Now, eat up your food before it gets cold." Miss Peregrine comments, taking her seat. We all then go to eat, when Hugh opens his mouth and bees come flying out, buzzing around the table. There are some voices of complaints, and then Hugh sucks the bees back in a places a bee keeper's net on his head.

"Must be very strange for you Jake, Zoe." Fiona says. "Meeting your grandfather's friends. Visiting another century."

"Are there spaceships in your time? Like the Flash Gordon books." Olive asks.

"Now, now, Olive. What did I say about asking questions? We don't discuss the future here. We enjoy living in the good old here and now." Miss Peregrine says, eating her food. She then looks to Claire. "Claire, why aren't you eating?"

"She's embarrassed in front of Jake and Zoe." Hugh says. My head snaps up at this point.

"Don't be." Jake and I say in unison. I smile to him. I then notice that Miss Peregrine winks to her. Claire takes the large chicken leg and puts it to the back of her head, I hear munching and then look to see her return the bone to the plate, almost cleaned of meat. Miss Peregrine wipes Claire's back-mouth.

"So, Jake, Zoe. What are your peculiarities?" Horace asks us.

"Oh, I'm not peculiar." Jake stammers.

"And that, my friends, is why he will not be staying with us, no matter how hard we try to persuade him." Enoch says, forgetting I'm here too.

"We've spoken about this." Miss Peregrine says. "Jake and Zoe are just visiting."

"They might want to stay." Hugh says.

"Don't you want to stay?" Olive asks.

"Tonight, or-?" Jake says.

"Forever, you should stay forever." Claire says.

"Why would they, when they don't have to. He can live out there, grow older, and have a good time instead. They'll leave, just like thei grandfather did." Enoch says. At this Emma slams her cutlery onto the table and storms out.

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