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Zoe's POV:

Myself, Jake and dad are currently in the boat taking us to Cairnholm. I'm reading 'Harry Potter, and the Sorcerer's Stone', while Jake is reading the information book about Cairnholm.

"Cairnholm. Population of 92." Jake reads. "Best known for its proximity to the final resting place of the cruise liner Augusta which sank in 1915. There is just one hotel," he then looks to us, "Oh, that's us." I chuckle. We then hear a bird screech above us.

"Oh wow! Jake, Zoe check it out! That's a peregrine falcon." Dad says.

"A peregrine, like the headmistress?" Jake asks.

"Sure." Dad says. "That's probably where Grandpa came up with that whole turning into a bird thing."

"Or maybe, maybe that's really her!" Jake says. He then shouts to the bird, "Hey, Miss Peregrine. It's me Jake, I'm Abe Portman's grandson. Please don't crap on us." Jake then looks back to dad, to see him looking at his with a crazy and fearful look. "Oh, my God. Dad, I'm kidding."


We then climb off the boat and walk towards our 'hotel', which in reality is a pub with rented out rooms above. As we walk in we notice that it's empty.

"Hello?" Dad says. I then look around and then hear laughter behind me, I spin around to see an old man in a wheelchair being pushed by another male. "Oh hey." Dad says, once he spots them. "Any idea where I'd find the manager of this place?"

"That's me, sorry to keep you, I was just helping Uncle Oggie to the loo." The male says. "I'm Kev, there's the room upstairs." Kev then goes upstairs.

"Kev's just getting our suite ready." Dad says, walking to us. "Um, while we're waiting, I was thinking maybe we could go check out the beach."

"I thought we would go to the children's home." Jake says. "Is the beach were the birds nest?"

"I thought we could check it out real quick." Dad says.

"We could go to the home ourselves." I say. "Then, you can really take your time and enjoy it."

"Come on, guys. You know your mom would freak." Dad replies.

"What if we could find someone to take us?" Jake says.

"Alright." Dad says.

"I'm just going to grab my scarf, I'll meet you outside." I say, walking over to my suitcase.


Jake's POV:

Dad and I walk out of the pub, and he notions towards a group of kids.

"Hey, dudes." Dad says.

"Dad, shhh." I say.

"I got this." He replies, he then approaches the group, "I was just wondering if any of you guys might be interested in taking my kids to the other side of the island." They don't respond, he then pulls out some money and the one at the front takes it.

Dad then walks off, I turn to face the group and the two at the front get up.

"Alright then, let's get this over with." One of them say.

"We just need to wait for my sister." I say, they groan and roll their eyes, but then their heads snap up. I hear a few wolf-whistles from the group behind, and I turn to see Zoe walking over to us. She looks towards the group with a glare and says some colourful language to them.

"Ready Jake?" She asks me. I nod and together the four of us walk away from the pub. Zoe sticking my my side.

Zoe's POV:

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