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I'm working out some of the plot, so here is a filler chapter.

Also, I forgot how to make scrambled eggs, so just go with this chapter...

I stretched my arms out quietly, being sure not to wake George. I stealthily took my covers off and scurried off to the kitchen.

I slowly turned the burner on to medium. I then turned around and quietly grabbed eggs, peppers, tomatoes, butter, and jam out of the fridge.

I skillfully cracked the eggs in peace, later whisking them with milk. I then poured the thick gooey contents onto the hot black skillet.


I let the music of the cooking massage my well rested mind.

I popped two slices of bread into the toaster as I hummed a familiar tune by Bob Dylan.

Once that was finished, I slowly added diced tomatoes and sweet bell peppers to the eggs. Peppering it with, well, pepper once.

The toast caused me to jump as it sprang out of the old cream colored toaster. I bet that thing was once perfectly white...

I quickly placed the toast on a plate and prepared that with butter and jam.

I then swiftly turned around to put the eggs on the plate as well. I turned back around, readying myself to-

"Whatcha' got there, babe?" He made me jump, almost dropping the plate (stahp I could've dropped my croisant).

"That- George! This was supposed to be your surprise breakfast," I laughed, "after all, it would be your last with eggs. Hare Krishna doesn't ask for eggs, so we don't eat it."

"Oh yeah," he reached out for the plate, "thanks, darling," he kissed my head and then walked out to the living room, slumping on the couch.

I then saw two scraggly figure emerge from the dark depths of their bedrooms.

"Waz fah brekky?" Obviously hungover was John. Paul leaned against the wall, eyes half open. I think he was kind of sleeping??

"Whatever you make," I snorted as I sat right next to Geo.

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