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I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and strong incense.

I groggily got out of bed and put the first think I found on the floor on. I then proceeded to the kitchen where I found George and a plate of toast waiting for me. Geo instantly got up and poured a cup of coffee for me, if I marry him, I hope every morning is like this.

"Sit, luv," he had never called me luv before. I do as I was told and nibbled on my food and sipped on my coffee. George and I exchanged smiles, too shy to mention last night.

I finally broke the silence, "Thanks for being good to me. I've heard horror stories about the guy leaving... I don't want you to leave."

"I'll never leave, as long as you want me," he grabbed my hand from across the tables, "and I'll stay when you need me," he stood up and grabbed my empty plate, leaving a warm kiss on my cheek.

Lovely, George. Sweet, George. My sweet George...

Haha, get it. My sweet George. My Sweet Lord. Ha, I'm funnier than my non existent dad!

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