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"Would you like to look at treatment options?" The doctor's words rang in my ears like the heavy gong of a church bell.

"George?" he sat in his seat, in awe and silence.

"Oh... um, no. No, treatment is necessary," I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Um," I broke in, "do you mind if we have some time to ourselves, doctor?"

"Have all the time you need," she stood up and left.

"George, what do you mean you don't want treatment?"

George sighed, "Ritchie, the Lord Krishna is ready to take my soul into his hands and choose what happens to me. Maybe some day, I'll flutter pass you as a butterfly. Or, if I've done my life right, I will finally move on to a more cosmic... place," George was beautiful.

I smiled at him, tears streaming down my face, "okay. If that's really what you want. But, just know that we can always come back here and get treatments," I stroked his hand, "okay?"

"Okay," George had tears rimming around his eyes.

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