Chapter 17

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<Louis POV>

After my little breakdown we ate the food again. We got to the car and made our way to the mall. We bought many pairs of skinny jeans. Obviosly black ones. We also bought hoodies, t-shirts and boxers. You name it.

We had just ate McDonald's as we head over to the car. "Lou, it's dark outside, we should head home" Harry interupts my thoughts. "No there is one more thing I wanna do" I said "Harry put on this blindfold as soon as we are back in the car" I said and he looks confused "Why" he asks super confused. "Surprise" Is all I say.

"Okay" he says as he puts it on while I start to drive to our next destination. I glance his way to make sure that he does'nt sneakpeak. Suddenly soft snores echoes through the car, well he is asleep so I don't need to worry. After 30 minutes we are here. 

"Hazz wake up" I tried, it worked. "Okay, can I take of this shit now?" He asks tiredly. "No" is all I answer. I step out of the car to go and help Harry out.  "Wait here babe, I need to get something from the car" I say "ok" he replies, Simple but effective. I get what i need from the car and we walk. 

We pass ,any rows of stones and graves. Yes, for the first time after Zayns, Liams, Nialls and moms funerals, we will visit them. I find them in a row near the church. Their graves laying in a row beside each other. Firts mom, then Zayn, Liam and at last Niall, they probably went in birth age. 

"Stay here, okay" I sais as I lit the candles for their graves. I make Harry sit on the bench in front of them. I sit down right besides him.

 After 10 minutes of crying I whisper in his ear.

 "Take the blindfold off"

He takes it off.

"Oh Lou"


Hahahha cliffhanger cliffhanger and cliffhanger

I really am updating this much cause I wanna get this book done so I don't have to worry about it that much anymore. I love writing and the support but these oauses can be anorumus long.

Don't forget to comment and vote

All the love <3 

Esc was yesterday and I am happy for the Netherlands, their song was beautiful.

It was supposed to just be a headacheWhere stories live. Discover now