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Big Sean’s POV

                My hand is gripping on the steering wheel, and my blood is boiling. My own fiancée is making up shit about me all over social media. The paparazzi have not left me alone since I left Ariana’s place. My phone has been blowing up, and I know my friends, my label, and people wanting to do interviews are the ones calling. The one person who should be calling is Naya. As soon as I pull up to my home, the paparazzi leave the premises, since they are not allowed on my property.

                “Babe.” Is all Naya says as soon as I walk in.

                “Don’t give me that bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I scream at her. She shrugs, “You’ve been so obsessed with that little girl, I needed to teach you a lesson. I needed to show where home really is.” She says, rubbing on my abs, because she knows what turns me on.

                I push her away from me, give her a dirty look, and walk to the kitchen and make myself a hard liquor drink. Naya makes her way to the kitchen, except she’s only wearing lingerie. She thinks things will be resolved after we have sex—but it won’t, the problem will still be here. I’ll be satisfied, she’ll be happy that she has me wrapped around her finger, yet I’ll still be the center of the media attention for the next month.

                “I’m not sleeping with you.” I say drinking more. She frowns, “But you know you want to.” She says making her way toward me.

                “Do you not realize what you’ve done?” I slur out at her. She smirks at me and shrugs, “I was just telling the truth.”

                “What truth Naya!? God damn it, how many times do I have to say it? I…AM…NOT…CHEATING…ON…YOU! Like damn, what will make you understand that?” I say very angrily.

                “When you stop hanging out with Ariana, then I’ll understand. Until then, I don’t believe you.” She says simply.

                “Are you that damn threatened by Ari that you will make up lies about me? Yes Ari is a cool as chick, yes she’s fun to kick with, but I am not engaged to her, I’m engaged to you. But if your insecurities about a girl younger, yet more successful than you is so high, you need a damn reality check. I can see why you’re threatened, that girl is really talented, but—” I am cut off by a slap on my face.

                She goes to slap me again, but I catch her hand, “You might want to think twice sweetheart, my mother always taught me to never hit a female, but trust me I will constrain a bitch from disrespecting me.” I say which shocks her.

                Her jaw drops and as I try to grab her hand to apologize, she walks off. I groan to myself, drinking more and more. And funny thing is, I am not even thinking of Naya anymore, I’m thinking of Ariana and how she makes me happy. The more I drink, the more I think of her and the less I think of Naya. When I am well past intoxicated, I make my way to the bed. I wrap my arms around Naya.

                “Babe, I’m sorry. Alright?” I slur. She turns to me her eyes are red, cheeks are rosy, and her nose is pink. I know she’s been crying for a while.

                “Babe, you know I hate it when tears fall down your face.” I say slowly. She pulls my hand away from me, and talks through her teeth, “You’re drunk, you probably don’t mean a single word you’re saying right now.” She says angrily.

                “I’m not even that drunk babe, I’m just a bit tipsy.” I say. I then go and whisper in her ear, “Why don’t we have a little fun.” I say, not even thinking.

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