.ninety six.

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.ninety six.


She saw that a king named Seongjong came into power and her tears flowed from her eyes once more as she read the name in parenthesis next to his monarch name. Wang Soo Hyun.


Minji was kept in observation at the hospital for another week before she was finally discharged, and no one was ever found that was a relative of hers. The doctors and nurses tried, but she had explained that there was no way that they could ever find her husband. After a while, the doctor and the nurses at the hospital stopped trying to get more information out of her in regards to her family.

But when she was released, she knew she had her apartment waiting for her and she knew exactly where it was located. When she returned after more than a year of absence, her landlord informed her that the apartment was still intact. She thought he would have thrown her stuff out and rented out the apartment, which would have been understandable, considering that she disappeared suddenly and without a trace. But he then reminded her that she had automatic payments on the apartment. The money was being taken out directly from her bank account for a whole year, and when the money was insufficient from her checking account, they started taking it from her savings. 

The nurses had explained to her with further detail what had happened the day she was brought in. 

They said she and Hajin had been brought into the hospital, barely alive. Both of them had almost drowned in the lake when the eclipse hit, and the paramedics had been able to get them out once the sun had come back out. Hajin had some heart complications and had been pronounced dead on arrival, but the doctors had managed to restart her heart and stabilize her. Her condition was fragile ever since. Minji had been more stable, as she had ingested less lake water than her friend. But the two girls had strangely fallen into a coma, something unusual for most patients.

When Minji asked if she could see her friend, the nurses allowed it, and Minji visited her every day, even after she was released from the hospital. Hajin still had not woken up and Minji thought that it was strange how things were panning out. She was back in the present, woken up from her coma, when she was killed in Goryeo. While Hajin was still alive back in Goryeo, but was in a coma in their present time. She thought that it had to be connected somehow. That had to mean that their past lives and their present lives were linked. But Minji knew no one would believe her if she tried to explain it. Her doctor would likely think they were hallucinations of her coma.

Going back to her old life was difficult at first, especially considering what her job involved. She was an entertainment journalist and had been out of the loop for a whole year. When it all happened, when she jumped into that lake to save her friend, it had been April 7th, 2012. Now it was late October of the next year, which meant she had been away for a bit over a year. Things in the entertainment industry had likely changed, she knew that much. Even the day she had her accident at the lake, she had been preparing for an interview with a debuting SM Entertainment group. They were going to have their debut showcase the next morning, and it was her job to get an interview with the members.

She wondered if the group had even made it. Were they still even relevant? She didn't even remember the group name, it had been so long ago, an eternity to her, since she felt like six years of her life had passed her by. 

Once she got settled back into her apartment, she called up her boss, relieved that he still had the same phone number. He was surprised to hear from her, as he said that one day she just stopped showing up to work and no one knew where she went. But he was understanding and offered to give her the job back. He did explain to her that he had given her assignment for the new SM Entertainment group to another co-worker, and Minji said that she understood. While she got back into the swing of things, he offered to let her shadow her co-worker Mina as she covered the group. Then, depending on how things went, she would be giving her solo assignments. 

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