.seventy seven.

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.seventy seven.


"Based on the tests I have run on his majesty's wife, there is enough evidence to conclude that..."


Eun and Minji continued trying to get pregnant to no avail, and it seemed to become Minji's obsession at a certain point. She felt incomplete if they didn't have their dream family, and that included their four children. She also, in that time, tried very hard to make Eun warm up to Jinki. It was very important to her because Eun loved and spent time with the other children. But Jinki only received love from her. Of course, his aunts and uncles, as well as his grandparents, showered him with love and gifts. But it just wasn't the same to only get love from one parent. Eun's mother had talked to him about it many times, but he just couldn't bring himself to warm up to the child.  

Minji stayed in with the children after breakfast, and Eun had gone out for his morning jog with Han. Soon Deok had arrived with her husband and their daughter. She placed the toddler on her feet and she stumbled over to her cousins who were playing with wooden blocks in the living room. Hei Ran was most attached to Jinki instead of her older cousins, which Minji thought was a good thing. She knew the twins loved Jinki, he was their baby brother, but sometimes she felt like Eun's resentment towards him rubbed off on the twins. Sometimes, they didn't want to play with their infant brother and he'd return to his mother's side with watery eyes. Hei Ran was different. She didn't have anyone to play with at home, so whenever they visited, she was happy to play with Jinki.

Jinki was also infinitely attached to her. For the most part, only she or Minji could make him happy when he was crying. 

Soon Deok sat in the living room with her sister and one of the maids went to brew them some tea. The older of the two sisters had already accepted the fact that her sister and Eun were married. She had also accepted that she had married Han, and that one didn't always get what they wanted. Though she wasn't in love with the eleventh prince, she was comfortable with him, and she cared about him. It was the reason why she had finally opened up to starting a family with him. 

With the two boys gone from the house, and the children playing happily nearby, the two sisters started to have a conversation. Soon Deok had news for her younger sister, and a warm smile formed on her lips as she began to speak. "I know you and Eun oppa have been trying for another baby, so I was reluctant to come over and tell you the news..." She trailed off softly, and she averted her sister's face. Minji had voiced her worries to her sister. How the doctor had informed that she was capable of having children, but her body was refusing to get pregnant because she was still weak from her pregnancy with Jinki. He had been born almost two years prior, yet she could not get pregnant again. The doctor had informed her that if she got pregnant again, it would be a miracle.

She had informed her older sister that she feared her husband would be unhappy with her if she could not give him another child. It was their dream. Soon Deok encouraged her by telling her to keep trying and by taking care of herself.

Minji already knew what her sister was going to say before she even got the words out. It was obvious, since she had talked about being reluctant to tell her about it. Soon Deok bit down on her lip and then finally decided to speak after a few moments of staying silent. "Han and I decided that it was time for Hei Ran to have a new sibling." Her hands moved to touch her belly subconsciously. 

They had more likely just found out about the news because she wasn't showing yet, and Minji smiled against the prick in her chest. Of course she was happy for her sister, she really was. But she could not prevent the jealousy from entering her heart. She and Eun had been trying for a while, yet they could not have another baby. Soon Deok and Han had just recently decided to try for their second child and she was already pregnant. She couldn't help it as the tears formed in her eyes.

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