.twenty five.

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.twenty five.

Everything was chaos among the princes as everyone returned to the palace together. Hajin had been taken away before the others could even see her or talk to her again, to a part of the palace where the others couldn't reach her. They were told by the head court lady that she was to be examined and prepared for the wedding ceremony, and that she was to see no one during that time. Minji couldn't help but cringe at the words used by the servants. Her friend was to be stripped down and examined by the other court ladies like she was an animal on sale at the village market. 

At the palace, the princes separated once more to see what they could do to help, leaving Minji alone with Wang Eun. Neither of them knew how they could be of assistance to stop the wedding. The tenth prince paced around the main room of the palace while Minji bit down on her nails in worry. She just wanted to help her friend.

One by one, the princes returned unsuccessful.

Jung explained to Minji that he had talked to his mother and asked her to intervene. When Minji showed some signs of hope, he further informed her that she could not do anything to stop the wedding, as much as she might want to. It was the king's decision and she did not want to interfere. The two teenagers didn't know that she had tried to interfere in one of his weddings once before, before they were even born, but to no avail. 

Han explained that there was nothing they could do but stand by and watch. It had been difficult to stop the wedding from the start, but now knowing that she was marrying the king made it impossible for them to interfere. Despite being princes and part of the royal family, getting involved would get them severely punished. Minji didn't want that for the other boys who were already like family to her, but it was a risk she was willing to take for herself. Unfortunately, Jung held her back to stop her when she tried to leave his side to go find Hajin. She wanted to lead her to the private bath and help her escape though the tunnel where she first saw her friend leave with Chae Ryung so long ago.

With the princes gathered in the main room, waiting to hear news of the wedding, So and Wook still hadn't returned. It was about a half hour before anyone came to inform them of what was happening. They watched as So rushed past them with Hajin in his arms, blood was dripping from her wrist in a deep cut that someone had made on her. 

Wook rushed behind them and Minji left Jung's side to hurry after them as well. As she ran behind the two princes, she could hear Ji Mong's voice as he explained to the boys what was happening.

So took Hajin to one of the bedrooms and placed her on the bed, immediately springing into action and tearing a piece of his gown to wrap around the gash to slow the bleeding. From the entrance, Minji and Wook stood by. Minji's heart raced with worry at the sight of her friend, unconscious and pallid, like her life force was dissipating by the minute. She looked to the eighth prince for answers. "What happened to her?"

He heaved a sigh full of frustration. For one because he had been unable to help her, and for another because she had done something reckless in order to get out of marrying the king. 

"She learned that a woman with a scar on her body cannot marry a king." Wook explained, matter-of-factly. He knew the rule already, but he didn't think it was something Hajin should do. For he knew the social stigma it was in their society for someone to have a scar, especially for a woman. "While my brother and I tried to talk his majesty out of the wedding, she broke a vase and used the shards to slit her wrist."

"Oh my." Minji gasped. 

Wook turned to leave the room, informing Minji and his brother where he was going. "We need to get a doctor here to help her before she bleeds to death."

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