Chapter Twenty-Six: Pœnitet

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Albus Potter's wedding was not the event of the season. That title would belong to Lily's wedding, which would take place a week and a half later. Lily would have preferred that her wedding be simple and sweet like her brother's, but surprisingly enough Teddy had insisted that their plans become more and more elaborate. 

Lily looked about thoughtfully as guests began to arrive. She had been given the post of guarding the entrance to the wedding pavilion and greeting everyone who came in. Teddy had not arrived yet and so the solitude, interrupted occasionally by some relative or family friend or other, was a much-needed break. 

Lily wondered at times how exactly this had happened. She loved Teddy and knew that she and he would have a lovely time living out their lives with one another. But there was none of the romance- none of the breathlessness- none of the-

"Hello, Professor Longbottom. I hope you're well? And Hannah! I hope both of you have a incroyable time!"

Lily was a romantic at heart, and it was with a sigh that she reflected on all that she had hoped for when she was younger. It appeared that love was not as she had imagined it. And yet- hadn't she felt, once-

"Scorpius Malfoy." The name fell from her mouth so naturally that she did not realize she had even spoken aloud. And yet- and how-

And there he was. 

It was Scorpius, and yet somehow not. He was muscular- tanned! He was dressed in a far more fashionable outfit than he had ever worn before- the silver in his robes made his eyes shimmer- Scorpius Malfoy, friend of so long and lover, it seemed, since before that. Lily felt her heartbeat quicken-

"You remember Polly Chapman, don't you, Lily?" 

The voice was the same. It had the same tone, the-

Lily registered exactly what it was he had said. And realized there was a woman on his arm. And remembered that she was engaged. Her heartbeat seemed to stop dead still- but she continued to smile, to talk, like an automaton. 

"Polly, of course! It's been ages, hasn't it?"

"It has." Polly flashed a white smile at Lily. "Why, I don't think I've seen you in person since you were thirteen years old, Lily Potter. And the success you have had since! You're as lovely as ever, though your fashion has evolved somewhat from dragonhide dresses, I see- I love the wings."

"Thank you." Lily touched a hand briefly to the fluttering yellow gauze which hung from her shoulders. "I see you're wearing a design of mine."

Polly's eyes widened. "Am I really?" She looked down at her robes. "There isn't a split cape design featured."

"It's in the back. Very subtle." Lily gritted her teeth. "I believe they shall be wanting to see you all inside. So lovely of you both to come."

She fingered the golden band on her finger as Polly pulled Scorpius into the tent. At the last moment, he looked back to meet Lily's eyes.

They looked at one another in silence. Then Lily smiled slightly and Scorpius frowned just as imperceptibly. 

Lily turned away to greet the next pair of guests. 

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