AUTHOR'S NOTE (read if you want this fic to continue)

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So here's the thing. 

My newest book, Memoirs of a Guardian, has been partially published on Wattpad, and may be published soon in real life. 

I. Could. Become. A. Published. Author!

Obviously, I'm super excited, but I need beta readers. I need people to read my manuscript and tell me what they think, tell me if they see any plot holes, etc. Or just plain enjoy it, of course. 

I know there are some of you who go read whatever comes up that I've written! For you guys, I'm grateful, but there are others of you who I know will read my request for readers, shrug, and then move on with this fic I'm writing now because that's all they're interested in. I know because I've sent out follower notifications about the book and so far, not much progress. So for those readers, I will have to use the teensiest bit of incentive. 

I have the next three chapters of this book (the one you're reading now) written and edited. BUT, I would like to see that some people take interest in this novel which I worked really hard on. So let's just say those chapters will be delayed. For just a little while. Feel free to check Memoirs out ;)

Love you all, 


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