Chapter Twenty-Eight: Today

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Second update of the day as an apology for the long hiatus, along with a statement: 

I do not in any way condone JK Rowling's views on transgender individuals. While I promise that I will continue my uncompleted stories (Hello Lily, Love You--Lily, and Unmasked) to their natural conclusions for the sake of my readers, I do not intend to start any new Scorily material after that. I will always appreciate the impact the Harry Potter series had on my life, and will continue to write (both fanfiction and originals). But out of respect for my transgender friends, I will just have to indulge my creativity in other areas. 

I truly do love you all. The lonely teenage girl who began this account all those years ago appreciated your support and your encouragement more than you will ever know. And don't worry! You'll have several more months of Scorily content as I work on finishing the stories I mentioned above before I start writing new things. 


- - -

As it turned out, there would be no more waiting. On that point Scorpius was determined. He had seen Teddy and Lily leave, and he knew better than he had known anything else in his life that they were over. He refused to allow anything else to stand in the way of him and the girl he had loved for so long any longer. 

The instant Lily returned, resplendent in her dress and heels, Scorpius was by her side. 

"A dance?"

She frowned, glanced from side to side, and then looked back at him. "What about Polly?" 

"You know I don't want Polly. No more hedging, Lily. No more buts, no more it will never works, no more delays. I love you and you know it." 

"You don't know who you love. I don't even know me; how can you?" She took his hand, though, almost without thinking about it, and he pulled her onto the gilded dance floor. 

"That's just it, Lily." He smiled at her, and ignored the surprised looks from every side. "I don't need you to decide who you are. I have loved you since we were young. I've seen you in a hundred different situations, a hundred different personas, and I have loved every single one of them. Love isn't about wanting someone to be the same forever. We're human, and we can't help changing. Haven't I changed?" 

"You have," she admitted. 

"Lily, no matter what you've called yourself, no matter who you've been, no matter what you've done, you've made my life worth something. You inspire me. And you can run away, and I can run away, and we can separate a hundred million times, but you will never stop astounding me." He pulled her closer. "Please, Lily, don't make me say goodbye again. I want to see you grow into the next person you decide to be. I want to be with you, every step of the way. I want you tomorrow, I want you yesterday, I want you forever..."

She smiled. "And today?" 

"Every today there is, for as long as you have." 

And Lily felt, suddenly, that there was nothing in a name, or in a life lived without Scorpius Malfoy. She dragged him from the dance floor, said something to Al, who suddenly burst out laughing, and within twenty minutes the pair of them had disappeared to God only knows where. 

Well, God and Lily Luna Potter. 

After all, they had both tried running off alone. The experiences had been wonderful, but lacking. It only followed that they should now run off together. And nobody knew, not even their parents, where they had gone. If, while on their honeymoon in Greece, the newly-minted Potter-Wood couple ran into an odd couple named Nix and Gerald Wintergreen, they certainly felt no need to write home about it. 

The Wizarding World buzzed with the news for a time, but time erased the scandal, as time often does, and soon everyone forgot to ask one another where on Earth Lily Luna Potter had gone. 

And maybe, someday in the distant future, there would be marriage. Maybe Scorpius would accept the holdings in his father's company, and Lily would release new designs, or try out for an obscure wizarding sport, or horrify her grandmother by dressing her children in dragonleather. But that was the future, and Scorpius and Lily had several more todays to get through before they got to all that. 

I can assure you, however, that they were both of them perfectly and--dare I say incandescently?--happy.  

- - -

That's the official end, but I do feel bad about abandoning this book for so long when it was so close to finished. If anyone, therefore, comments requesting any epilogues, scenes from the quasi-elopement, or even pure fluff, I will write it for them and add it on to the end of this book. 

Love you all, and don't forget to check out the impending updates on the other two unfinished books, 

Lily ;)

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