Chapter Three: Confrontations

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Another day, another update. Hope you all like it.

Also, a bit of shameless self-promotion- go check out my original novel, Memoirs of a Guardian, please! I'd really appreciate it, plus I might give you a shoutout, some reads, and some votes.

Love you all!


P.S. What d'you think of Rose? I was careful not to change the original characterization too much. Plus, she's fifteen and I seriously doubt she's never gotten up to shenanigans.

P.S.S. The girl at the top is Lily. Do you like this image of her better or the one in the first chapter better?

Scorpius Malfoy boarded the Hogwarts Express that year with a certain feeling of exultation that not even the vast amounts of girls hailing Albus could dampen. He puffed out his (admittedly rather scrawny) chest, displaying his badge and trying to look important and official. His smile betrayed him.

"What's got you grinning?" Al asked once they had found a compartment that wasn't occupied, his green eyes inquisitive.

Scorpius shrugged. "Just, you know, being a prefect. And finally not being glared at and called Voldemort's son."

Albus shivered at the name, no doubt recalling the run-in he and Scorpius had had with Voldemort only the previous year. 

"I dunno why you're so happy about being a prefect," he shrugged. "I'd find it a nightmare, honestly, and-" he paused. There was a face at the window of their compartment- a vivacious, pointed face framed by glistening golden hair drawn into a loose bun. It was Polly Chapman, accompanied by Rose Granger-Weasley, and her blue eyes were fixed determinedly on Albus as she rapped smartly on the glass.

Scorpius stood to allow the girls in, hurriedly smoothing his hair as Rose passed him. Was it just his imagination or did she really shoot him a covert smile?

"Hello, Albus," Polly said, smiling to reveal perfectly even teeth. "Good holiday?"

Albus shrugged, a little of his old bitter behaviour returning. "It was alright."

Polly smiled wider. "Good." She sat down next to him, sitting closer than strictly necessary. "You've gotten so tall, Albus. I swear you've gained three inches since last year."

Al regarded Polly cooly. "Maybe I have. But I don't see why you're so interested, Polly. You said I was scum last year."

Polly faltered slightly under Albus's gaze, but soon regained her confidence.

"Well, you know, you can never be too careful," she said easily. "You must admit that your behaviour was hardly good-natured."

Al shrugged. "I'm not being very good-natured now, either. Sorry, but I just don't fancy cozying up to a girl who made my life hell."

Rose gasped and whirled to face Al, her brown curls slapping Scorpius's face as she did so. "Albus, that's horrid. Why are you being so cruel? Polly's trying to make up for that, you git."

Polly finally had the decency to look self-conscious. "It's true," she admitted. "I'm- well- sorry."

Albus hesitated, and Scorpius decided he didn't want to be around to see what happened next, Rose Granger-Weasley or no Rose Granger-Weasley.

"Excuse me," he said, standing. "I've got to go to the prefects' carriage. See you at school, Al."

He darted out, acutely aware of Rose's eyes following him out the door. A bubble of exultation swelled inside him and he began to walk faster towards the front of the train...

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