Chapter Ten: Two Declarations

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Hello, all! 

I know it's been a really, really long time since I posted. And I'm sorry! I had to work on my ACT studies and things like that. I'm SUPER sorry! But with summer comes new ability to work and write; so I'm hoping to update every Saturday and Wednesday. I will stick to the schedule, promise! 

Oh, and thank you to all of you who went and read Memoirs! It's at 1K! Seems like a little, I know, but from little things come bigger ones.

Love you all, 


P.S. Do you feel sorry for Rose now? (After the chapter)

P.S.S. Check out my newest Scorily fanfic, Hello Lily! I posted the first chapter earlier today. 

The Great Hall was busy and loud the next morning. But when Lily Potter and Scorpius Malfoy walked into it hand in hand, all noise immediately dulled. Heads turned as they walked by, but Lily and Scorpius were looking only at each other. 

Scorpius was on cloud nine. Never, in all his relationship with Rose, had he been this happy. Lily was so adorably proud of him, and although she was a wonderful kisser, he knew that she wasn't into him because of the physical benefits of a relationship. 

"I think Al is about to explode," Lily whispered to Scorpius, nodding her head towards the Slytherin table, where Al was currently sitting. He wore an expression appropriate to having been clubbed over the head. 

Scorpius shrugged. "Want to sit with me?" 

Lily nodded, and the pair headed towards the Slytherin table- and Al. 

Al coughed weakly as they sat down. "Uh, so, when did this happen?" 

Scorpius smiled at Lily. "Last night." 

Al shook his head. "Uh, Lily?" 

"Yes, Al?" Lily smirked at her elder brother. 

"Would you mind if I murdered him?" 

Lily pondered this. "I rather think I would." 

Al wheeled on Scorpius. "What the bloody hell are you thinking? She's too young! She's my sister! And I thought you fancied Rose!" 

Scorpius coughed and shrugged. "Well, we, er, you haven't been around much lately- I don't fancy Rose anymore..."

Lily was still smirking, as though she found this highly entertaining. It didn't do much to soothe Al's wounded feelings.

"Just you wait, Lily- when Dad finds out you're with a Malfoy..." 

Lily shrugged. "In my opinion, that's neither here nor there. I fancy Scorpius, and vice versa- what do you have to do with that?" 

Al spluttered. "I'm your brother!" 

"Hey, am I saying anything about Polly dearest? Believe me, I have plenty to say, brothermine." Lily smiled cheerfully at him, watching his face redden, before turning to Scorpius. "Better come and sit at my table, Scorpius. I think my brother needs a little time to process this." 

Scorpius shrugged apologetically at Al. "Look, mate, I understand if this is too odd to comprehend. But I care for Lily and I promise that I'll never hurt her intentionally." 

Al's mouth opened, then shut. He waved the pair away almost dazedly. 

"Lily, you look simply beautiful today," Jessica Finnigan said the instant Lily and Scorpius sat down at the Gryffindor table. "That dress is gorgeous." 

Lily shot Scorpius a sidelong glance, and for the first time he realised just how much the fawning disgusted Lily. 

"Thank you," Lily told Jessica politely. 

"Is this your boyfriend? Who's he?" 

"This is Scorpius Malfoy," Lily said, putting an arm around Scorpius's shoulders. "And yes, we're together." 

"I think it's so romantic," Lissie Towers sighed instantly. "A Gryffindor and a Slytherin- it's like Romeo and Juliet. Only, hopefully you two won't die." 

"We all die eventually, Lissie," Lily said lazily, looking appreciatively at a plate of eggs and doling some out on both her plate and Scorpius's. 

About six girls were now ogling Scorpius. As the boyfriend of Lily Potter, he was suddenly someone who was in a spotlight- and he realised that he actually preferred being in his own private little shade. The boys at the table were shooting him jealous glares. Lily had been Hogwarts' most eligible single girl until yesterday. 

Scorpius scooted a little closer to Lily, who pushed a now loaded plate towards him with a wink. Gratefully, he busied himself with breakfast, successfully avoiding conversation. 

Until a tap on his shoulder caused him to turn around. 

Rose Granger-Weasley, with a bit of blue slime still clinging to the tips of her hair, was standing behind him, and her face was hesitant. 

"Oh, er, hello, Rose," he found himself saying. Lily's arm squeezed tighter around him in silent support, though she did not turn to face her cousin- there were some things even she wouldn't face. 

"Scorpius," Rose said as hurriedly as she could, "Scorpius, I- Iloveyou." 

There were a couple of audible gasps from the table, quickly repressed. Eyes began to flick covertly their way all along the Gryffindor table. 

"I know I didn't want anyone to know," Rose said, her voice pleading. "That's changed now. I'm sorry." 

Scorpius frowned. "Rose," he said in a low voice, trying to ensure that no curious ears could hear him, "even if I felt that way for you now, I wouldn't date you. You hurt me emotionally and called an innocent girl a slut and a cow. I'm sorry, but this won't ever work. There are plenty of boys who would be glad to date a Granger-Weasley. Why not go with one of them?" 

He'd tried to be kind. But Rose's face instantly showed him that she was not about to take it bravely. 

"You'll be sorry," she said in a low voice. "You'll be sorry when you realize I'm worth ten of her." 

"She's worth a million of you," Scorpius said heatedly. He didn't keep his voice down this time. 

Rose, seeming to see the eyes on them for the first time, turned hurriedly and stalked away- after "accidentally" slapping Lily's neck. 

Scorpius turned back to his girlfriend to see a tear running down her face, although her expression remained impassive. Rose, it appeared, had more power over Lily than most. 

Scorpius swore to himself, as he put his arm around Lily's petite shoulders, that Rose would never be able to use that power against his Nix again. 

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