Big Butch Bodyguard

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Alex was in awe of how seamless their night had been. Piper's family was mingling with their prison family, unaware that in their company were tons of registered felons. Everyone had been on their best behavior for the brides' sake; respectful and civil.

Surprisingly, even Carol and Bill Chapman. Typically ones to hide their daughters sexuality away, making sure nobody brought it up, and reminding everyone that "she likes men too." if it was ever stumbled upon in conversation.

Tonight, though, they excitedly showed off their daughter, and rushed new family members over to meet Alex, introducing her as their daughter-in-law.

Piper knew that it was a bullshit act, but she had never been happier that her parents were playing along, despite how fake it was.

The Chapmans had always been fantastic at playing pretend. Behind the walls of their gorgeous house was just as much family drama as everyone else had. Their facade was quite convincing, even to family members. It had never worked to the advantage of Piper though, and she was glad tonight was the night they'd decided to behave.

Piper had been taught this little act since she was a child, putting on a brave face, smiling wide, and pretending everything was perfect in the Chapman household; despite her cheating father, despite the fighting, lies. Today, her parents kept it up; despite their gay daughter.

They'd even gone as far as to pay for the entire wedding. Carol and Bill had sworn they wouldn't, specifically since Piper was marrying a woman, in hopes that she'd back out due to that.

Instead, Alex and Piper had planned on a small courthouse wedding and a reception in the Chapman backyard. The thought of their family and friends eating barbecue at a picnic table was enough to convince Carol that the wedding was happening regardless of their money, so she quickly swayed Bill too.

While Piper kept herself busy far away from her parents as they mingled, it seemed Alex was Carol's new best friend. The woman had been dragged across the entire venue by her mother-in-law, giving hugs and fake cheek kisses to dozens of people she'd never even met.

"Thank you so much for coming." Alex smiled softly, widening her eyes to Red on the dance floor as a sign to get her out of there.

The old russian woman knew her well, and made her way over to the group as fast as she could.

"Malishka," Red chuckled, wrapping an arm around her daughter's waist. "I need your help for a minute. You don't mind if I borrow her?"

Carol shook her head quickly, dismissing the two as she plopped herself down at the table beside a coworker.

"Thank fuck." Alex chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. "She's behaving herself finally, but i'm so done running around. I thought i'd be stuck with her all ni-"

Alex was cut off by a commotion by the door, pausing mid sentence to check it out. "I'll be back, ma." she said, heading in the direction of the noise.

"What the fuck is going on, Pipes?" Alex asked, stepping in front of her wife defensively.

Nicky Nichols stood in front of them, her tiny hand wrapped tightly around Larry Bloom's upper arm. "This punk thought it'd be a good idea to show up. Ya know, have a good time." she seethed through clenched teeth. "Even brought a date who was too much of a coward to get out of the car."

"Listen, Piper means a lot to me." Larry groaned, immediately trying to defend his decision. He yanked his arm from the small woman's grasp, and shuffled his feet against the floor. "I just came to drop off a gift, congratulate you guys. No drama."

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