Say Yes to the ... Suit?

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Alex couldn't understand why she was so nervous. Although she had been waiting for this day eagerly, impatiently, something about it had her so anxious. She stood outside their apartment, legs shaking; partly due to the cold New York City morning, and partly due to the nerves she felt. New Yorkers raced by on their way to the subway, on their way to hail a cab, carrying on with their day. She felt like she was in a full blown panic. Watching everyone else so carefree only had her more on edge. Piper on the other hand had a massive smile from ear to ear.

This was every little girl's dream; going to pick out wedding dresses. Well, a very gay version of every little girl's dream, plus a few felonies. Piper had been waiting for this day excitedly, planning for this day, since she was 5-years-old. She'd practiced with her dress up, formally marrying her teddy bears in their decked out playroom, her brother Cal officiating every ceremony. She'd spent hours in high school flipping through bridal magazines, planning on the exact cut and style she'd be wearing to her wedding. Although, she'd never entertained the thought of marrying a woman.

Alex had insisted on the two going together, since she hadn't thought in much detail about what she would wear. Marriage hadn't been one of Alex's life goals. In fact, Alex never dreamed of living with a woman, let alone spending the rest of her life with only one. This idea, the planning, all of it was extremely new to her. She hadn't gotten excited about a wedding until the day she scrolled through Pinterest on her contraband phone, spending hours and hours searching until the battery had nearly died.

The blonde had decided that they'd be shopping separately, because in her experience, the groom couldn't see the bride in her dress; so surely it worked the same with two brides? She was going to keep most things traditional, apart from the fact that her soon-to-be husband was a chick. Her excitement about trying on fluffy white dresses completely drowned out her wife's nerves, although obviously not on purpose.

"Bye, babe." Piper said, planting a quick kiss on her wife's lips as Lorna pulled up to the curb to pick her up. Alex scrunched up her face and took a long anxious breath, nodding towards her. "You'll do fine." Piper reassured her, as she slipped into the car.

With that, Piper was off.

Alex shuffled her feet against the New York City sidewalk, kicking up pieces of snow under her boots. Nicky had planned to meet the woman there, and they'd be taking the subway. Nicky was as New York as it got, so driving in the city wasn't really her thing, especially more towards Times Square. The area was full of tourists who had no clue how to drive, which drove her insane, but also, Nicky couldn't drive a car to save her life. She was a subway kid, born and raised.

Alex glanced at the time on her phone. It hadn't even been a minute since Piper had driven off, but it seemed as though time was moving in slow motion. The woman made her way back to their building, and took a seat on the stoop, ignoring the fact that the icy cold snow was now soaking through her jeans. She needed it all to stop for a moment, she needed to catch her breath.

"Yo, Vause." Nicky nodded towards her, a cigarette held tightly between her teeth. Her expression dropped as soon as she saw her. "You good? You're looking extra pale and vampire-like." The woman made out, kicking around the snow beside her to clear herself a spot. "I swear you'd get cast as Morticia Adams in a heartbeat." She chuckled.

Nicky took a deep breath, and plopped herself down beside Alex on the stoop. She slipped a pack of Marlboro Reds from her pocket, and slid one up with her finger, offering the pack to her friend. "What's up, kid?" She sighed, as Alex pulled a cigarette from the pack.

Alex wasn't much of a smoker nowadays, but she needed the sweet relief of the nicotine right now. "Don't tell Pipes, 'kay?" She said, a brow raised in her direction. She stuck the filter between her lips, and leaned into the flame; her first inhale far bigger than it should've been. "I'll be fine, just need to breathe."

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