Because I Can

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Alex placed her hand on the back of the chair and pulled it out, motioning for Piper to take a seat. "What a gentleman." Piper cracked, scooting around her wife to get to her seat. There was always something weird about being out on a date for the two of them. Their life had revolved around litchfield for so long now that getting to be out in the world was a treat. Somehow, it also felt like they were carrying around a secret.

New Yorkers were very open minded for the most part, but people did in fact stare. A married lesbian couple, especially one as hot as piper and alex, did draw quite the attention. Sometimes though, it felt like eyes were on them for different reasons; it felt as though everyone knew they were felons. They carried that weight around like a giant sign over their heads. It was such a large part of their identity: of their relationship, their story. Once they sunk into each other's presence, and tuned out the world around them, it was like they were the only people to exist.

"For gods sakes, pipes, do not order a margarita." Alex said, raising a brow from behind her glasses. She chuckled and shook her head, before directing her glance back to the menu. "Jesus, Al. It's been 14 years, how long are you gonna hang that over my head for?" Piper retorted, rolling her eyes playfully. "Maybe until you stop ordering margaritas when it's 2 degrees out." she began, before shooting her a wink. They took their time deciding on some appetizers before relaxing back into their seats. "Waitress is kind of hot." Alex chuckled, which piper responded by throwing a piece of a breadstick at her.

"Hold my hand." Piper said, reaching out across the table. "So needy." the woman shot, intertwining her fingers with Piper's, "Why?" Piper smoothed her thumb back and forth across her smooth skin and smiled. "because I can. we can. finally." she said. As much as they wanted to leave prison as a thing of the past, they were given little reminders all the time. Reminders of the pain, reminders to be thankful. They had gone four years without touching; sexually, or in general. Even little things, things as simple as holding hands, were a privilege that they never took for granted. Before Piper was released even, they had to sneak off just to touch each other. Guards would scream if they got too close. Holding hands over the dinner table was a luxury for them, and they knew that. "I could do this forever, y'know?" Piper smiled, anxiously playing with her fingers in her lap. "Well, Ms. Vause-Chapman." Alex began, taking a sip of her water, "lucky for you, forever is just want I signed up for."

Alex Vause slid her chair over to the same side of the table as her wife's, and relaxed back into her seat. "Al, what are you doing?" the blonde asked, cocking her head to the side. Alex placed a hand on her wife's thigh, and leaned in to kiss her lips. "You'll see."

This wasn't a private area by any means. Piper had decided that the only thing she wanted for dinner was olive garden. Specifically, the three story olive garden in times square. From the time they'd decided on the subway, Alex had a plan in mind. Her sadistic side was running wild with ideas.

"Not here." Piper shook her head, letting out a small whimper. Alex ignored her comment, and slowly traced her fingers up her wife's jean clad thigh, making her flinch in anticipation. "Al, people are going to know." she whined, placing her hand over top of Alex's. Alex moved Piper's hand away and continued to trace her fingers further up her thigh. She leaned over as if she was reaching for a breadstick. "I hope they do." she whispered into her ear, her voice low and breathy.

Alex unbuttoned Piper's jeans with one hand, all while casually sipping her drink with the other. How she was acting so cool under the circumstances was mind blowing to Piper. The thought of getting caught had Piper's heart racing. Her hand was shaking on the table and she had a lump in her throat. "Babe, what's the matter?" said Alex, ad she slipped her hand in between the denim and Piper's silk panties. Piper swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Nothing's wrong." she shook her head. "D-do you think the food's almost ready?"

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