Chapter 11 Time to Set Matters Right

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Rumple had managed to get a job as a small time attorney whose main job was paperwork. not exactly what he had in mind, but even with his background law enforcement was not his specialty and he had been off the grid for a while so that's what the board thought best. It still paid really well and he should have a decent paycheck by the end of the week.

Rumple entered the hotel and went to the front desk to pay forward two more nights. The owner eyed him but checked him out. Usually people didn't stay in this hotel long due to the low quality, and would try to find more suitable places to stay, but she wasn't about to say anything to lose a costumer.

Rumple limped towards his room but saw something that caught his eye in the small shabby dining area. Faith was laying out fresh table cloths before dinner. She seemed focused on her task until the large owner stomped over to her.

"What are you doing you twat?" The lady hissed.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I thought you wanted me to change the cloths." The feeble girl replied.

"Yes, I did, but this cloth has a stain on it, you didn't wash them you useless girl."

I'm sorry ma'am, but I did, the stai won't come out and we don't have any extras, and I tried to tell you earlier but-"


"How dare you try to put this on me, do you know how hard I work to keep this place running AND you fed!? You ungrateful swine!"

Rumple barely even remembered walking up to the pair, but next thing he knew he had grabbed the woman's arm before she could hit the frail child again.

"I'm sorry, is everything alright?" The words themselves were polite, but the tone and the glare Rumple gave the woman were menacing. Rumple might have been a bit weathered from the last week but he still knew how to terrify others with just one look.

Mrs. Forester stares at Rumple in surprise, but despite her anger at being interrupted, she still didn't want to lose Rumple's pay so she shook her head.

     "Oh yes sir, everything is fine, just a misunderstanding with my daughter here." Rumple winced at the word "daughter."

       "Alright. It's just that I work in the law and would hate to see this place shut down because of child abuse happening within the walls."

     Mrs. Forester started at that, "oh no absolutely not, I would never hit a child for no reason, it's just a little discipline, but I could never really hurt her, she is absolutely precious to me."

     Rumple heard Faith chuckle a little and suddenly he was filled with rage. This girl had probably never heard someone call her precious, but now that she did it was under these circumstances. Fuck waiting. Something had to be done NOW before this poor girl lost all hope, if she didn't already.

    Rumple nodded to the woman and went back to his room. He took out Faith's adoption papers and called the agency's number. He was going to get that poor girl out of this mess.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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