Chapter 8 Faith blamed again

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Faith stared at the mouse trap that was stuck to her mother's fat hand. It took everything not to break her composure and roll on the floor with laughter. She wasn't even upset about missing dinner, she would probably have still been grounded from supper over something else. At least now she could always think of her mother as "the big rat."

It did confuse Faith, however, as she was pretty good at putting the traps places no one went near that still caught the little suckers. Unless Mrs. Forester had been crawling around on the floor.

Suddenly Faith realized her mother had her keep a trap in an unused drawl near the bottom of the desk in which a rat's nest had been found. But why would Mother go into that drawl? Probably forgot and thought the best course of action was blaming her, Faith.

Faith rolled her eyes. Whatever. Things like this have happened a ton of times. Best thing to do would be act she was guilty. Otherwise she would probably get whipped for disrespect.

When the lecture was finally over Faith walked back to her room. She still wanted her shaw. When she entered she noticed it looked different, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Something......

She suddenly saw bits of paper sticking out from under her bed. "What?" She walked over and peered under. She pulled out stacks of "adoption papers?" These were papers Mrs. Forester kept as potential "slaves." Why would they be in her room? Would Mrs. Forester put them there? Of course not, that woman would never go in this room with important paperwork, and would probably beat Faith senseless if these papers were found in this room.

Faith shrugged her shoulders. It really didn't matter why these papers were in her room, not to her personally anyways, as long as they were put back. For now she returned them under her bed. She wanted to get her chores done a little earlier tonight. Investigating will have to wait till tomorrow. Faith smiled as she walked out of her room with her thin shaw wrapped around her slender arms.

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