Chapter 7 Trapped

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Rumple was starting to get frightened. He was stuck here with no way out. That women was still there and it was getting late. If he had his magic still he would simply poof out.

He looked out for the hundredth time, but instead of seeing just that terrible woman, he saw faith walking to her room. He ducked back in before he was seen.

"Shit!" He mumbled. He felt a warm sweat build up on his brow. He felt incredibly faint and leaned against the wall, his hands and knees shaking uncontrollably. He felt totally and completely trapped and helpless. He look at the tiny closet on the far wall thinking maybe he could hide in there, but he couldn't budge, his legs seemed to have lost all feeling except a hard painful throbbing from his ankle.

Besides, it was too late, he could hear her footsteps coming closer and closer until he was sure she was at the door. His heart beating loudly as he saw the knob turn, time seeming to slow down by an eternity. He almost called out in shock when he heard a loud painful scream.

"Damn it Faith!!!" He managed to not make a sound as he saw the know quickly turn back to its place.

"I'm sorry mother?" Rumple stood completely frozen, even forgetting the pain in his leg.

"Don't use that tone with me you despicable child! You left this mouse trap in the open!! I told you to place them where they will not catch my fingers or toes! And I did so looking through this mess that you no doubt made! How many times have I told you to not touch this desk? How many times?"

"Sorry mother, won't happen again." Rumple, though still frightened that faith will enter the room, couldn't help but be surprised at her meekness. Why didn't she tell that horrible woman that she didn't touch the papers? He knew she didn't because it was him himself, so why not tell the truth?

"You mark my word it won't happen again, or will be limited to only one meal a day! Now come with me to the kitchen, I need the first aid kit and you need to prepare for dinner, of which you will have none." "Yes mother" was the only reply.

He heard Faith's retreating footsteps and allowed himself to relax. He moved to make sure nothing in the room was out of order and went to put the box away, but he decided to keep the letter. He didn't think she would miss it, or if she did would simply think she misplaced it.

He made sure the room looked exactly as he left before carefully and quietly making his way back to his room. When he was safe in his own room, sitting on his bed and resting his ankle, he mentally shook himself for being such a coward. "It's not like I have lost ALL hope, I just need to find a way back to my magic and I will be fine. And find my way to Belle of course.

Rumple sighed as he leaned against his lumpy pillows. He was just so... Tiered. He reached in his pocket taking out the adoption papers and letter.

"What the hell am I supposed to do anyways?"

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