Chapter 6 Finding the Truth

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Rumple had been waiting for almost 20 minutes and the owner was still up front. She had left for a moment, but was back before Rumple could even put his cane in the hallway.

In boredom Rumple limped toward the dresser. He wasn't one to just wait around and do nothing, besides, he loved snooping through other peoples' stuff.

In a couple of drawls there was nothing of interest, just some small raggedy cloths for a girl (obviously this was Faith's room) and some were empty. One however held a pretty, small wooden box with a flower for a handle. Rumple took it and sat down in the nearest chair. He didn't feel like trying to walk to the bed with a box and came.

Upon opening it the first thing he saw was an open letter with Faith written across the front. Before reading it he shifted through the pile with the other hand. Besides some trinkets like a locket and a ribbon there was four particular items that caught his interest. 3 nutshells and a plain grey blanket.

He felt a very very weak sense of magic from these rather dull objects. Curious as to why they were there and who exactly Faith was, he took the letter out hoping to find answers, and he did.

He immediately saw something familiar about the hand writing and when he found out why he slowing became more and more angry.

That bitch had taken away his child! She had stolen his child and thrust her into a cruel world. One were she was mistreated and starved. Milah had used everyone around her. He thought to himself that killing her was probably one of the best things he could have done in his life.

Of course, thoughts like that wouldn't give him back his Belle, but if anyone deserved his wrath it was Milah.

But now that he thought about it, what was he going to do now? I mean, it didn't make much sense to just walk up to Faith and say "Hey, you just so happen to be a daughter that my bitchy past wife hid from me and sent you to this world and I want to take you back to a home I can't even enter."

But he couldn't leave her here either. Not for the first time in the last few days he was completely clueless as to what he should do.

Faith sighed as she finished changing sheets. She wrapped her bare arms around her small body. She decided to go get her thin shaw even though she knew it wouldn't do any good. Oh well, it was better then nothing. She slid downstairs to the main lobby towards her room.

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