Cotton Candy.

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"louis, i'm not sure about this anymore."

"why not love? i told you we won't get caught."

"but we could get in so much trouble!"

"babe, i'm really good friends with the boss, he won't care if we sneak in and eat a few spoons full of ice cream."

"but lou!"

"do you trust me haz?"


"then let's go. it won't even be illegal because i have a key. c'mon!"

louis quietly opens the door, and sneaks them to the back freezer, where the ice cream is. 

"what kind should we get love?"

"cotton candy please."

louis searches for the tub of ice cream, then takes it off of the shelf, along with two large ice cream scoops. they both sat down on the floor against the wall. louis scoops up some ice cream and feeds it to harry, and harry do the same with him. after about a minute, harry starts to shiver, since he was wearing short sleaves. 

"aww darling, you cold?" louis asks.

"a little, yes." harry says honestly. 

"here." louis wraps his arms around harry as best he can, rubbing his arms to make friction to keep warm. 

"i'm so glad i have you." harry says.

"i feel the same way haz." then louis leans down to kiss harry.  "i feel the same exact way."

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