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"pistachio please."

"that was always a funny flavour to me."


"i don't know, it just always seemed like a strange flavour..."

"i guess.. i sold my vacuum the other day."

"really? why?" louis asks as he hands harry his ice cream.

"all it was doing was collecting dust!" louis starts to smile at harry's joke. "hey, did you hear about that chef that died?"

"a chef died?" louis asks.

"yeah, he pasta-way."

"that was horrible harold."

"here today, gone tomato."

"your jokes are horrid." louis says chuckling.

"sending olive my prayers to the family."

"okay that's enough!" louis says.

"his wife is really upset. cheese still not over it."


"hey, what did the news paper ask the ice cream?"


"what's the scoop?"

"that one was even worse."

"two satellites decided to get married. the wedding wasn't much, but the reception was incredible!"

"the jokes are just going downhill from here."

"why couldn't the flower go biking?"

"i swear i'll start charging you again."

"his pedal's fell off!" harry bends over laughing, while slapping his knee. "why do ghost like riding elevators?"

"why?" louis says with a sigh.

"it lifts their spirits!"

after many jokes later, harry and louis and stood in the middle of a park laughing uncontrolably. 

"your.. jokes... are horrible!" louis says between laughs.

"but you're still laughing at them!"

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