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this one is my favourite chapter.

"chocolate please."


"what-why not?"

"maybe i don't want to serve you ice cream anymore." louis says playfully.

"well why wouldn't you want to?" harry asks, thinking louis' serious.

"because you haven't been paying! you owe ben and jerry's over 37 pounds!"

"but- wh- you weren't letting me pay!"

louis sighs. "okay." and he scoops a chocolate and puts it in a cone. when harry tries to reach for it louis pulls it back. "who said this was yours curly?"


"not everything's about you young boy! it's hard working at an ice cream stand and not being able to go on lunch break!" louis says to harry in a condescending way. "now you can stand there, and watch me eat this. then you might get yours."

louis licks the ice cream sudectively, looking at harry. harry was licking his lips, both because of louis and of the ice cream. louis does all sorts of things with the ice cream to tease harry. louis likes messing with harry. "mmm... ice cream's just so... tasty, wouldn't you say harold?"

"mmhmm..." harry nods.

louis finishes the ice cream, then makes a bowl for harry. when harry reaches for it, louis pulls back again. "sir, you have to pay £5.30 first! you can't just go stealing ice cream!" harry then pulls £6 of his pocket and hands it to louis. "harry what are you doing? you know you don't have to pay."

"but you just sai-"

"i got your order wrong you say?"


"sir i'm so sorry, let me get you what you wanted."


"hey how do you know my name? stalker!"


"sir that's really creepy that you've been stalking me. you shouldn't do that you know. luckily, i don't mind being stalked if it's by you." louis says, giving harry a wink.

"i'm so confused."

"here's the ice cream you ordered!" louis says happily, handing harry the ice cream. harry takes a spoonful of the ice cream and spits it back in the bowl.

"this isn't chocolate!" harry exclaims.

"i know. it's black licorice, exactly what you ordered." louis says with a smile.

"well it's awful!"

"hey!" louis yells. "my great great great great great grandfather was the man who created the black licorice ice cream flavour!" louis starts to fake cry. "i can't believe you would say that!"

"aww louis, i didn't mean it, i swear."



"you like black licorice ice cream?"

"it's my favourite flavour!" harry says trying to make louis feel better.

"well here then," louis says taking the bowl away from harry. "you should have some more!" then louis shoves a spoonful of black licorice ice cream into harry's mouth. harry pretends to love it but obviously hates it. once he swallows most of it, louis feeds him another spoonful. "my great great great great grandfather would be so proud!"

"you missed a great."

"no i didn't."

"yes you did."

"no i didn't."

"yes you did."

"yes i did."

"no you didn't."

"that's what i've been trying to tell you harold god, why don't you ever listen to me!"


"jeez! okay, okay, i get it! you want your damn ice cream, here!" louis yells shoving the bowl of chocolate ice cream in harry's face. "take it and leave!"


"i'm mad at you!" louis says corssing his arms and turning his back to harry.

"what, why?"

"because you told me to leave! why would you be so rude?"

"but you told me to leave!"

"what? when was that?"

"just like 2 seconds ago, you were li-"

"sir if you don't mind, i have another costumer." harry looks around, and see's no one within 3 metres radius. "hi sir what would you like?" louis asks in mid air, pretending someone's there.

"louis, no one's there." then louis gasps.

"oh my god..."


"it's sometimes a side effect of the black lictorice ice cream."

"wait what side effect?"

"you aren't able to see certain people! I'm sorry my great great great grandfather did this to you."

"see you forgot another great!"

"no i didn't."

"yes you did."

"no i didn't."

"yes you did."

"yes i did."

"no you didn't."

"i didn't what?"






"aren't you late for that meeting?" louis asks.

"what meeting?"

"okay bye bye harry! see you tomorrow!" louis waves off and harry walks off slowly. filled with confusion, but smiling so much his dimples pop out.

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