Rocky Road.

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"rocky road please." 

"rocky road it is." louis says scooping the ice cream. "are you feeling any better from yesterday?"

"not really."

"well, tell me about it." louis says handing him the ice cream. "i'm all ears."

"well, my mum had this boyfriend, robin, and they've been together for a really long time, and they told me yesterday that they were getting married. and of course i want my mum to be happy, and robin's a good guy and stuff, but i don't want him replacing my dad, who died when i was pretty young. i don't know, it just makes me so angry, because i don't want my mum or sister or us foregtting about my father. it makes me so mad i want to punch a wall louis!"

"harry, i don't think you guys will forget your father. i bet your mother, as happy as she is with robin, still thinks about him and misses him too. and so does your sister. and he won't be forgotten as long as you remember him harold." louis explains but harry still looks sad. "i promise i won't."

"you won't what?" harry asks.

"i won't forget your father."

"but you didn't know him. how could you remember someone you didn't know?"

"just stop ruining the moment and eat your damn ice cream curly."

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