FOURTEEN|moonlight dances

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The Originals


☄. *. ⋆

Veronica sat at the vanity in her room, staring at the picture hanging on the mirror; it was a polaroid of her and Rebekah, taken when she was living in Mystic Falls.

Last night, she had to say goodbye to someone she considered to be a sister.

Of course, the two would still call and text, but it would be hard not seeing her in person.

Clicking the play button, Veronica listened to her playlist while getting ready for the party. The first song that came on was Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Despite being her favorite song, she couldn't help but to think back on when Rebekah placed irises on her body at her funeral; fueling her to miss the blonde even more.

Veronica began curling her hair, thinking about the purpose of tonight's party. It was supposed to represent a peace treaty of sorts between the different species–witches, vampires, werewolves, and humans. She recalled the conversation she had with Alex earlier that day, him mentioning the party and telling her to join.

Finishing up her hair and makeup, Veronica picked up the dress she had laid on the bed. When rummaging through old clothing in a spare room the other day, she came across a long, gold gown. At the time, Veronica had nowhere to go in it. But, when she heard of the party, she immediately knew she had to wear the dress.

Slipping it on, Veronica looked at herself in the mirror. Although her bump caused the dress to fit tighter than it should, she still thought the dress was stunning.

The longer she stared at herself, the more she realized something was missing. Walking back to her vanity, she picked up the necklace Rebekah got her for her birthday. Clasping it behind her neck, she touched the circular pendant and felt a small smile gracing her lips. Her fingertip traveled over the small engravings of the constellations–nostalgia filling her body.

Hearing noise from downstairs, Veronica made the finishing touches before heading down the staircase. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she was overwhelmed with crowds of people, loud music, and blinding lights.

Anxiety creeping up, she set her eyes on the punch bowl and made her way over. Veronica filled the cup up, sipping on the liquid as she surveyed the mass.

As she saw individuals dancing and chatting amongst each other, Veronica couldn't help but feel lonely. Here she was, twenty years old, surrounded by people who had years of experience and wisdom on her.

The friends she had made in college had slowly lost contact, which Veronica couldn't blame them for. With her being so busy with a new supernatural occurrence every day and dropping out of school, they no longer had anything in common. Sure, she had Marcel and the Mikaelsons, but she missed the small things.

She missed sitting in a booth at the Mystic Grill with her childhood best friend, Evelyn. She missed shopping sprees with Caroline and sleepovers with Elena and Bonnie. She missed stargazing and hanging out with Jeremy. Hell, she even missed bickering with Stefan and putting up with Damon's attitudes.

Veronica just missed how things used to be.

There's never a moment where Veronica wished she was no longer pregnant and instead attending university and not being on speaking terms with the Mikaelsons; but she just couldn't help but think about the what-ifs.

The sound of a throat being cleared brought Veronica out of her thoughts, causing her to turn her head.

"You look as though you're thinking too hard."

Veronica breathed out a laugh, placing the empty cup on the table behind her.

Klaus stretched out a hand, "Care to dance?"

Placing her smaller hand in his, she allowed him to lead them to the dance floor. A slower song played out of the speakers, other couples moving to the center.

"You outdid yourself."

"Well, Elijah and I had to make this party the best for the guests."

"And it got you away from your easel," Veronica teased, "You once told me that your paintings were a metaphor for control. For achieving your vision through sheer force of will."

"Well, truthfully, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have at least a dozen or so of those visions swarming around in my mind." After making a thoughtful face, Klaus looked Veronica up and down, "I do hope our daughter inherits her mother's...Everything."

Klaus spun Veronica, causing her lips to turn up.

"I'm sure she'll get your artistic abilities and my resilience."

"More like stubbornness," He grinned.

Veronica gasped, a mock look of shock painting her face.

Before she could offer a rebuttal, a voice spoke from behind her.

"Mind if I have a dance?"

Klaus looked the figure up and down, "You can have it later."

"Actually, he can have this dance."

Letting go of Klaus, Veronica sent him a look before turning and placing her arms around Alex's neck. She sent him a small smile, ignoring the retreating footsteps of Klaus.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine. We were just discussing the future of the city."

Alex shook his head, "You look too beautiful to be thinking about the city right now."

Veronica laughed, tilting her head down to hide the pink in her cheeks.

As the two danced, Klaus stood off to the side, watching their every move. Only, his eyes were trained on Veronica.

Studying the way her chest rose and fell with every breath, the sway of her body, the way her hands were delicately placed behind Alex's neck.

That banshee didn't deserve her, he thought, no one did.

☄. *. ⋆

Veronica was exhausted.

After the dance with Alex, she told him she had to use the restroom and she'd be right back. Only, that was forty five minutes ago and she was now laying in bed.

In all honesty, she was tired. From the anxious pit in her stomach to the intrusive thoughts, she was in no mood to be surrounded by people that could tear her apart in seconds.

No one had come looking for her, so she assumed she was safe to retire for the night. In the end, they'd get the treaty signed and everything would work out. No one really needed her around.

Still in her dress, she laid on her side as she gazed out the terrace. With the doors open, a cool breeze traveled in while the distant sound of music offered noise in the silence.

Veronica couldn't really tell if she was happy or not. She loved New Orleans and she was looking forward to being a mother, but this wasn't where she envisioned herself being three years ago.

Despite being twenty, Veronica still felt like a kid. She felt like she missed out on normal teenage things when she got sucked into the supernatural world and had to grow up sooner than she wished.

Hearing a buzz, Veronica looked down at her phone. It was a notification of her quote of the day: "Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."

With that seemingly being the last straw, she cried.

She cried for what could've been and what had already happened.

Desperately wanting the day to end, Veronica closed her eyes and allowed her body to bring her into a deep slumber.

Only when she was unconscious did she dream of a man she never thought she would see again.

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